In my cleaning I ran across some items that I don't want to keep, but can't bear to just give away to Goodwill. Things I've made over the past year, but don't have a good use for. Would you care to take any of it off my hands? Consider it a little mini yard (blog) sale. I've listed a price that will cover the postage. I really just want to get this stuff out of the house. Some of the items are gently used. Some are a little wonky in their construction.
Email me at if you want an item. Let's limit it to one thing per person, please. So here's the goods. Click the item's name to go back and read the original post about the item, and get the details.

Ah, I feel better already. I am a purger at heart. I have a friend whose Mom took out all their baby memorabilia, like the little baby hand imprints in clay and the first grade crafts, took pictures of it, and then chucked it all in the garbage. I'm not sure I'm quite that ruthless, but I have to admire her for it.
Happy Sunday all--I am off to the Cherry Blossom Festival. (Fellow Brooklyners it's open today til 6:00 you should check it out!)
Edited to add: Thanks so much everybody! It's all going out in the mail this week!