Lookie! I actually finished a project! Well, that's a miracle. Honestly I had more trouble mounting the curtain rods than I did making the simple curtains. I need to get more handy with the drill. A valuable, skill, I think.
These curtains are made with that lovely folk print from
Superbuzzy that has been all over the place recently (I think they sold out of the multi-color, but the
brown is lovely, as is the
eggplant). Just before I left NY, I finally caved in to my overwhelming need for Superbuzzy purchases. So awesome. (and oh my, when I popped over there to get the URL I just saw
this. oh my. oooooooh my.)
Now, I think there is a distinct possibility that my curtains will catch fire one day. That would be bad. Maybe I should add some ties, so that we can secure the curtains back when cooking. Hmmm...

And here's our wee little kitchen. And when I say wee, I mean wee. That little bit of counter space you see there? Yeah, that's about it. But, looking on the sunny side, it's making us more tidy and efficient in the kitchen. And the lack of dishwasher means we actually do our dishes, rather than leave them sitting around until we have run out of spoons.
Hopefully there will be many more apartment-decoration posts in the next few weeks. I have many ideas simmering, limited only by my insistence that everything be just perfect (impossible to achieve but dang time-consuming to attempt) and a lack of time (due mostly to my own laziness, but it's SUMMER, friends, I'm livin it up).
In other news, Twin and I have re-engaged in our great tennis rivalry. We are fairly evenly matched, so each set is highly exciting. I generally let her win, though. Just to keep the peace. ;)
But here's a question for anyone who is a biologist, naturalist, or bugologist kind of person: why, oh WHY, do mosquitoes love to bite me, but leave my Twin completely alone? This has been the case for years. We used to joke that I am the sweet one, while she is too sour. (Admittedly true, of course, but not a scientific explanation to satisfy my mind.) Regardless of the reason, they do love me. They see me and go nutso. yummy yummy yummy they say. Punch-drunk they are. Perhaps I should be flattered.
I am sorry for being such a blog-flake this summer, but I'm sure to get back into the rhythm of things before too long. Twin has ordered a sundress, and I better get on that before the summer begins winding down into autumn.
Be well friends!