Since we decided to do this exactly one week before Christmas, we went with machine piecing and quilting. We had a couple yards of this cute floral in the stash, so we chose the other fabrics to go with it. We were going for traditional, cheerful, and cozy.

The reverse side has a soft plaid flannel. Jennie had the brilliant idea to do this swirly quilting around the border. She then abandoned me to accomplish this swirly thing. [from jennie: hey I was busy with work!] Excuses, excuses. My solo attempt ended up being a bit wonky. But kinda cool nonetheless.

We had a binding race last night, one of us on each side of the quilt. I won. [from jennie: my stitches are neater.] whatever.
All these twin projects are cramping my style. She's dead weight. After the holiday I'll be back to independent projects. phew. [from Jennie: yeah well I don't want to work on your stupid projects anyway.]
We're flying south tomorrow. Wishing light and joy and merriment to all.
Catch you cats in the New Year.