I'm up at 4am because I can't sleep.
I'm turning into my mother. Which, you say, is inevitable and right and good. We all become our mothers. And I shouldn't complain, my mother being an absolutely lovely woman—a princess among women, even. But her bizarre sleeping patterns, where she'll get up and plant bulbs in the garden or bake a cake at three in the morning, is one thing I could have done without. But then again, I do feel rather productive. Maybe I'll bake a cake.
But first I'll tell you about our new iPod cozies. Mine is the gray,
Twin's little pink Mini gets the polka dots and stars. I've always been of the opinion that accessorizing iPods is kind of, well, silly. They don't really need the protection. Mine's been going commando for about 2 years now and all he has to show for it is a couple scratches. Now, I don't have the fancy-shmancy color screen, so a scratch is no big deal. We're old school over here, with the girth, heft, and gloriously petite memory of the grandfathers of the Nano.

But even ancient iPods like a little flair and a bit of coziness to keep them snug. I used a light cotton batting to make them cushy and a contrasting lining for a bit of cheer. The moleskine-inspired elastic band works well--it can also keep the headphone cords wrapped up nice and neat. Our iPods have never looked so good.

And before I head off and bake that cake, I'll add that we are officially in Beta now. My overall impression is two thumbs up. Publishing is easier, and the tags are excellent. I had such fun yesterday going back through all my old posts and indexing them. The wee little librarian inside me was just giddy, I tell you. So sorry if you had a zillion old posts pop up in your Bloglines. But you can now, if you are so inclined, read my archives by category. Oooooo weeeee!! For instance, I discovered as I was indexing that I have a strange fixation with marshmallows (literally, obviously, not metaphorically) so you can now see all posts associated with my
marshmallow obsession.
I'm not really sold on that whole layout editor thingy, though. I tried it briefly, but switching over to it requires you throw out your previous template. And I couldn't re-create the look of my blog in the new template. It looked strange and different and I felt all wobbly inside. (I wanted it to look like it has ALWAYS looked, I don't want it to CHANGE. I hate change.) And it's harder to futz with the html because they've made the html all but incomprehensible with that automated layout business. So if you're like me and enjoy messing with the html in a purely amateur way, you might be a little lost. I certainly was. Anyway, long story short (too late): if you use Blogger and you're thinking about switching, do it. We can only hold on to our low-techie ways for so long.
Actually, screw the cake, I'm gonna grab a few winks before I have to go to work. Enjoy your Monday!