This is actually a practice dress. I bought the pattern for Twin, as well as a cheery tropical cotton print for the dress. Twin thought it would be wise to practice with a less special fabric to make sure we like the cut of the dress. So wise is Twin. I picked this lovely gray and I really like the minimalist feel. We both think that the sleeves are a little poofy. Twin's dress might have the alternate sleeve in the pattern...the debate is still out on that.

Let's see, tips for anyone who makes this pattern:
- Measure and mark your pintucks carefully or else they won't line up at the sleeve seams. Mine don't. But then, you can't really tell, so maybe it's not a big deal unless you are really a perfectionist. It kind of bothers me.
- Baste down the flaps on your pressed seams when you make the casing for the elastic. I always forget this step and the stupid safety pin gets stuck at the seam every single time. There is much less cursing involved if you baste down the edges.
That's about all I can think of. It's a pretty straightforward pattern. People ask me sometimes if I actually wear the clothes I make. Umm...not very often. Most of them are sightly wonky or don't fit quite right or are kind of fugly when they are actually on my body. For instance, this one is a bit short. I realize this is the fashion. And anyone who knows me will tell you that I am a very hip person. Unfortunately I also have an irrational fear of people seeing my bum. Or really anything above my knees.
So I'm not sure how much wear I will get out of this dress. It may hang in my closet alongside some of the other clothes I have made but never wear. But I distinctly feel that there is going to be a breakthrough very soon when my homemade clothes will suddenly start being just right. Right fit, right patterns, right fabrics. All converging to make clothes that are just right and uniquely me.
Well, maybe some of them will be, anyway. And until then, I'll just enjoy the making and sewing, which is really what it's all about for me anyway.