01 February 2007

oh squEEEEEE!

It came! I've already watched the video. Great video. Entirely in Japanese and the cheerful young woman on it who just says "Hi!" over and over again cracks me up. (Can someone tell me what "hi" means in Japanese? Is she saying "ready!" or "I understand!" or maybe in that one little syllable she is saying "this print gocco is freaking awesome and rocks my world!!!") Now I realize I am late in joining this bandwagon but I am pretty darn excited about my little gocco. I got a lovely and oh-so-timely windfall from my great-aunt and I've invested it in my own little japanese pressy-doodle. Hopefully you will see some results soon.

In other news, and in no particular order:

This crazy guy across the street from my office was apparently trying to exit one window, creep along the windowsills, and then enter another window two windows down. I can only guess they were locked out of the room and trying to get in via the window. One of my colleagues said "look he is using climbing equipment, he must be a professional." Erm, I think he's a professional loonybin, that's what.

I made biscotti. And that's about all there is to say about that.

And of course a great big THANK YOU to my lovely marmee who was here this weekend celebrating her XXth birthday. There was coconut cake, sewing fun (and a project to share soon!), and much merry-making in general. Mom, I finished your birthday cake this evening. Wow, that's too bad you couldn't take it home with you on the airplane. But my, those XX years are treating you very fine indeed. You definitely don't look XX years old at all. You look XX–20 years old. Definitely.


  1. Anonymous2:39 AM

    "Hai!" means yes! and okay!

    So I have never heard of this gocco stuff but now that I've looked it up it looks REALLY COOL so I think I'll check it out, thank youuu!

  2. Anonymous10:52 AM

    i'm so so happy for you... i know this print gocco business has been on your wish list for quite some time. i know you tried explaining to me exactly what it is/does - but i'm still not sure, so i'll have to wait and see some of the craftiness it helps you produce.

    and i'm a little upset i missed the nutjob who was building-climbing across the street. the one day i'm out of the office...

    okay. i have to do work now. stop yelling at me.

  3. I think I've missed the gocco boat, right, like, it's too late to get one now, isn't it? I don't know if I want you to say yes or no.

    I'm really dropping a line to say that the dude on the building across the street reminds me of the drug nut that my old boss used to hire to do the windows. Unlike the people who charged real money to do it properly, he was totally willing to just cling to the outside of the building with a rag in one hand for sixty bucks cash.


  4. Anonymous2:16 PM

    i am so excited to see what you do with that gocco. have fun!

  5. yay for your gocco! i took a class last year and it was really fun, but never bought one... now seeing all the amazing work online i wonder... hmmm. i can't wait to see what you make.
    in october we had some visitors from japan for work, and i took them sightseeing... they spoke very little english and the one word i learned by the end of the day was "hi" :) i asked if it meant yes and there was much rejoicing!

  6. Anonymous5:03 PM

    so start making stuff, cuz i need a kick in the pants to use mine. i get all wierd and hoardie with my stuff, even though there's plenty to go around...

  7. Whoa. That guy is crazy. I never see stuff like that in real life--thanks for the photo!

  8. Anonymous9:11 PM




    I can't believe I missed this dude today!!!!

  9. Oh, I cannot wait to see what you make with your gocco! And how much do I love your post today - the crazy window guy photo, the biscotti, the marmee love? It's all just right.

  10. I'm hoping that guy actually made it to his destination!!! Aren't you glad he was there to keep your day interesting?

  11. Anonymous1:34 PM

    I've been obsessing over Gocco for the last few weeks. I have yet to buy one because I have been trying to figure out the best place to buy from.
    Where did you purchase yours from?(if you don't mind me asking)

  12. Anonymous6:04 AM

    Me too! where did you get yours? was it online? Thanks (will calm down now!)
    caroline xxx

  13. I've been googling gocco all morning and stumbled onto your site. Everywhere I've looked has said they stopped making Goccos over a year ago. Where did you buy yours?

  14. Anonymous5:28 PM

    I was searching for the best translation of this quote by Camus--"Au milieu de l'hiver, j'ai decouvert en moi un invincible ete." Yours is the best--"In the depth of winter I discovered within myself an invincible summer" - vs: "In the midst of winter I finally discovered that there existed within me an invincible summer," etc.
    You've got the spirit! rockymtndude@gmail.com
