28 January 2007

what me? weird?

This 6 weird things meme is spreading faster than the bubonic plague. AmandaJean and Ginger tagged me and it took me a few days to think of six things. Because I'm completely normal. Yall, on the other hand, sound weird as weird can be.

I kid, I kid. I'm completely nuts. So here's some weirdness:

1. I name everything. From stuffed animals to home appliances. My iPod is Wynkyn, my KitchenAid is Beau Bou (short for Beau Boulanger). Our armchair is Cora. She's pink and looks like she belongs in a little old lady's house. And my silicone pastry brush is named Wilson.

2. I scrunch my nose to get my glasses to move up higher on the bridge of my nose. You know, instead of using my finger to push them up. Saves time. Twin ridicules me endlessly for this one.

3. I can wiggle my ears. This is a talent carefully cultivated by my entire family. My grandfather was the master. His ear wiggles were especially impressive because of the great size of his ears, and the shiny bald pate which they straddled.

4. I intentionally mispronounce things all the time. Twin does it too. For instance I might say "bonsoirio cherie, would you like a booveragie?" She might respond, "si coo-coo pig, I'd like a choka-macola." It's mostly all bastardized european phrases with a smattering of complete nonsense thrown in. I guess it's the closest thing we have to a shared twin language, but we really sound ridiculous.

5. I can quote the movie Clue from start to finish.

6. I like the smell of old moldy books. Not really moldy, of course. But slightly moldy is good.

Seems like most people have already done this, but if you haven't yet shared some weirdness and would like to volunteer some, please do.
Hooray for weirdness. And for being totally ok with your weirdness.


  1. Anonymous11:22 PM

    I'd like to see you wiggle your ears. Maybe another video? ;P

  2. Anonymous7:46 AM

    I'm with Sally....

  3. julie i just got over here after a few days away. holy cow. a video, a reconstructed shirt and now this list? so busy. i love your idea of fun by the way! i am nose scruncher too, and have experienced about 25 years of ridicule as a result, but i'll be damned if i use my hands to move my glasses! ha!

  4. I scrunch my nose to move my glasses up, too! It drives my mother INSANE. Hee! :D Lucky for her I usually wear contacts...

    Love your blog!

  5. Hooray for weirdness indeed! (I can quote most of Pretty Woman, for example.)

  6. i love your naming of your pastry brush. that is awesome :)

  7. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Your grandpa could wiggle his ears ONE AT A TIME. I was always in awe.
    I don't think any of us in the rest of the family can do this.

  8. Anonymous2:28 PM

    I do that with my nose too--there's no reason to risk getting fingerprints on my glasses. And I always say 'Viola!' instead of 'Voila!' just because I think it's funny (though no one else seems particularly amused), but I can't do it on my blog because it'll just look like a spelling mistake, and I'm much too anal for that...

  9. i've always wanted to be able to wiggle my ears

  10. Anonymous3:43 AM

    I was fascinated to read about your language games with your twin. Tom & Alice - my 13 year old twins - do this all the time, too. Chicken has long ceased to be chicken in our house - it's now chikarnay with the stress on the 'ar'. Makes us all laugh.

  11. I like the idea of a pink chair named Cora...seems fitting! thanks for playing along...I enjoyed reading your list.

  12. i have to confess to being tagged twice on this one, and not yet playing. i'm not sure i'm weird. kidding. i am. i am.
    I JUST (as in ten minutes ago) read my girls the book, "The Woman Who Named Things" for naps. Which of course, made me think of your number one...although she only named things she knew she could outlive b/c she had outlived all her friends...but anyhoo, it's a really good story....
    okay, maybe i need a nap...

  13. Anonymous8:05 PM

    first of all- Clue is only like one of the best movies EVER! did u see it in the theater when it came out? cause if you did, like me, you'd remember that they actually gave you the Clue game sheets to follow along and try to figure out who done it. so fun!

    anyway- this seems fun- i'm going to post mine over on my myspace blog linked above...

  14. Anonymous2:45 PM

    My wheelchair is Horace. Mon's wheelchair is Buttermilk. The pool sweep is Amos. My grandmother called her car Betsy. It's a long and honorable tradition.

    Nice blog. Just passing through.
