01 February 2007

oh yeah. this is fun.

The first gocco attempt. Things to remember for next time: 1) it helps to put the batteries in before attempting to expose the screen (thus avoiding much head scratching), 2) they aren't joking about those 5mm margins (respect the 5mm or there will be awkward cropping of printed image and much silent cursing), and 3) the ink becomes significantly darker as it dries.

I printed on a few different papers I had lying around the apartment. I was going for subtle. Maybe a bit too subtle in the case of the green paper. After the ink dried, I realized the only way you can see the image is if you tilt the paper a certain way. Tricky. We'll just pretend this was intentional and say the paper has a little secret surprise for those who know to look for it. We'll call it a happy little accident, rather than a mistake, as the great Bob Ross always taught us.


  1. Cool new toy! I use to love printing, now I just use rubber stamps. Can you do a two color press with that?

  2. Anonymous11:02 PM

    Big Gocco envy over here. Love the design and the subtle ink color choice.

  3. lovely, i am impressed by your jumping right in... i let mine sit on the floor in it's box for a month....

  4. they look fantastic... love the design & paper choices. so lovely & simple. i have gocco envy too :)

  5. subtle is very good, i think that green on green looks great! welcome to the world of gocco. that margin drives me batty too.

  6. Anonymous10:41 AM

    ohh im jealous.... i like the design you chose. did you draw it yourself? great job!

  7. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Beautiful! I love the flower!

  8. Anonymous12:58 PM

    They are very nice.
    I'm Japanese, and I was totally surprised that Print Gocco has made its debut in the western hemisphere. I used to want to get one when I was young.
    Is it chrysanthemum, or it looks like that to me because I am Japanese?

  9. hi there, great blog and great projects you are doing.

  10. ooooh. I want to be able to do that. I love the motif you printed, and there's nothing wrong with subtle! Can't wait to see more.

  11. The subtle ones are beautiful. And do I see a chocolate brown paper in there? Gorgeous!

  12. wow, that looks like a lot of fun! the cards are great...I like the subtle flowers also.

  13. i'd say first times a charm! beautiful!

  14. i think i might love you even more now that you just quoted bob ross. whenever i'm home sick (as in today) i crave a little soothing bob ross on pbs...
    and actually, the green on green is my favorite, i think!
    you look like you're having too much fun with that new toy...jealous. jealous.

  15. Those are gorgeous!!
    Indeed, making beautiful mistakes is one of my talents and so I believe in that philosophy 100%. In embracing the unexpected we discover a whole new world.

  16. thanks everybody! I am having a lot of fun with my little gocco...

    uberstrickenfrau--you can do 2+ colors--you can even do 2+ colors on a single screen if you are careful. I have also read about people doing 4-color separations, though that sounds tricky to me!

    ginny--hi, thanks! yeah, I did draw the image (on the computer) from a photo I took last spring. :)

    nobu--They actually don't distribute gocco in the USA anymore, you have to find special dealers (who I guess import them?) or buy through eBay. But I think you can still get them pretty easily in Japan. And jeepers I don't know what kind of flower it is. It was on a small tree. Maybe some kind of magnolia? (I'm awful about knowing flowers!)

    molly--yeah, how cool was Bob Ross? I know, right!?

  17. Really enjoying reading your blog - so talented!
    Can't wait to see more!

  18. Anonymous9:05 PM

    oh julie, these are so beautiful! love the green on green - subtle is so good.

  19. Anonymous10:18 PM

    Oh... I would definitely like to try this sometime, and by the way I love looking at your blog.
