07 December 2006

mystery box

12" by 12" with a depth of about 8". Appears to have arrived by post, though she could conceivably have smuggled it into the apartment in a bag without my noticing. Heavy but not too heavy. Definitely in a cardboard box. Firm, the contents slide only slightly when shaken.

I have absolutely no idea what it is. But really that's not the point, and I don't really care what it is, though I am sure I will love it. The point is that my sister, who hates shopping and generally procrastinates about everything, has already chosen something special just for me and wrapped it up and put it under the tree. Three weeks early, no less.

And I am reminded that Christmas is not at all about things. The things are just a roundabout way of saying "I love you." I have a twin whose mere presence brings immeasurable joy to my each and every day. I am so lucky.


  1. Anonymous11:02 PM

    Nice looking package.
    Even better picture.
    But you should also share the one of the two of you in your christmas outfits, both with the giggles, in the chair by the fireplace.
    What a joy you have been, and how much I miss you both!
    See you soon....

  2. Aaack!! My pookie! Sniff, sniff, you make me cry a little.

    Love the double!

    But, MWAHAHA, you won't know what's in the mystery box for weeks. Hee hee. I think you'll like it!


  3. oh my gosh. that is the sweetest picture ever! makes me wish for about a half a second that i would have had twins. ok, done now. you two are sweet sweet sweet!

  4. Anonymous10:34 AM

    As a mom of little blonde twin daughters, your post made me tear up with joy. I want them to always be close and loving.

  5. Anonymous12:29 PM

    oh - that picture is precious!

  6. How silly I am! Your post made me cry! You are dear, Julie, and I think your twin is pretty lucky too!

    P.S. do share the photo of you girls giggling!

  7. The beauty in this post is the simplicity. You make me ache for a sister!

  8. Okay, I'll go ahead and say it, too. This post was just the sweetest thing - it is really amazing that you and your sister are so close. And it's clear that you recognize what a special relationship you have.

  9. So sweet. It amkes me wish I lived with my sister (I don't have one) instead of a messy boy. And... hee hee, I know what's inside that mystery box!
