05 December 2006

girly in flannel

Who knew flannel could be so girly? I've never been a ruffly girly kind of girl, but lately I love ruffles. It's a slippery slope, I fear.

This shirt is from one of the stand-alone Built by Wendy patterns produced by Simplicity (4111). I bought several of them when I was home for Thanksgiving and couldn't wait to try one out even though I should be thinking about gift-giving. It is, after all, the season of giving, not the season of selfishly making things for oneself. But the pattern was calling to me and could not be ignored. The fabric came from the 99cent rack at JoAnn's, also bought over Thanksgiving. Fabric-shopping in suburbia made me realize just how good we have it in NYC. Not to rub it in, but man, JoAnn's is pretty darn crappy. If only I could afford all the jaw-droppingly gorgeous fabrics I have access to here in the city. But really I should consider it a moral obligation on behalf of crafters and seamstresses everywhere to take advantage of the amazing resources I have here by purchasing (beyond my budget even, by God) all the gorgeousness I want. Hmmmm. My powers of rationalization are awesome are they not?

The stand-alone Wendy patterns, alas, are not quite as well-explained nor as well-illustrated as the ones in the book. But this one was still pretty straight-forward and I only had to stare quizzically at those little illustrations for a (good) while before it all came (relatively) clear. If you purchase one of these patterns, be sure to consult your measurements carefully before choosing a pattern size because these patterns go by standard Simplicity sizing, NOT by the sizing chart that Wendy provides in her book.

I do like that ruffle, though it gapes a bit. The elastic at the waist and at the sleeve are a great, easy way to give the shirt that nice shape. It also looked really cute before the sleeves went on. I've already promised Twin that I'll make us a sleeveless baby doll dress from this pattern for spring. Ah spring. Spring. You are so far far away.

At least I've got some flannel to keep me warm in the meantime.


  1. Anonymous11:25 PM

    that is super interesting about the book vs simplicity sizing. i wonder why she/they did that??

    anyway. lookin' good. i totally want to make clothes for myself right now, too. but i'm holding off. for now.

  2. Anonymous11:32 PM

    Seriously fantastic shirt! Looks great; stylish and cozy at the same time. You just made me want to make one SO bad!

  3. You're a machine!!! How do you constantly turn out these awesome projects?!? I'm blown away, again. Seriously, nice job.

  4. Anonymous1:21 AM

    Very cute top! Love the ruffles.

    Spring will be here before you know it. =)

  5. Anonymous9:29 AM

    julie - looking good! i have that pattern on hand and have been wanting to try it. thanks for the little tips!

    ps - you really do have access to the best in nyc. i was amazed when i visited this fall.

  6. Anonymous9:35 AM

    A comment from a much earlier post; putting it here so you'll see it.

    For the fabric you're printing through your inkjet, for better permanence, wonder if it'd help to heat-set it w/an iron?

    Love this blog.

  7. julie, again with the awesomeness... i have this pattern and some cheap mens shirting that i bought sitting there waiting for me. gggrrr... you temptress you...

  8. Thanks all!

    Melissa--yeah the sizing charts are waaaay different. Don't know why they did that either. just to confuse us maybe.

    Heels--hi! I've been a lurker over at your blog for a while! I will be less shy in the future. ;)

    I didn't try heat-setting the inkjet printing--I kind of gave it up as a lost cause. I bought some Bubble JetSet, but haven't gotten around to trying it yet. (seems a bit of bother) I will try ironing the printing and see if it helps--it's worth a try!

    hannah--mwa ha ha ha ha!!

  9. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Wow, that is really cute! The ruffles are totally balanced by the plaid flannel. Great juxtaposition!

  10. Anonymous1:48 PM

    So, so cute! Eeek! I love it so very much!

  11. Wow! That top is SO cute! Looks great on you! I want to sew for me too now!

  12. Anonymous4:42 PM

    it's totally cute!

  13. Anonymous9:57 PM

    Great top! I used to have a really ruffly nightshirt made out of flannel, so I've always liked the flannel/ruffle combo.

    Yes, Jo-Ann is pretty crappy. I'm glad we have small local stores, and I'm even more glad I can shop online!

  14. i really like the ruffle in the back. i think its very fun and very different, kinda like something you'd see at Urban Outfitters, though way way better because of the homemade love and attention
