09 December 2006

christmas cards

I'm terrible about Christmas cards. I never send them out. It's one of those things you have to do too far in advance. But I'm pretty excited about these cards. I got out my zizagger and went to town and voila it's a tree. It was one of those rare times that you have a vague idea and it actually works out on the first go. I love that.

I also love this silver embroidery thread I've had in my thread box forever. That's the great thing about holiday decorations. You can be a bit blingy, you know?


  1. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Oh my god ! It's too beautiful ! At first sight I thought it was something made about natural fiber like grass or something like that ! Then when I understood it was zigzag stitches WAOUW !! I love it !! I hope you're fine ! I wish you a nice weekend :) Smooches from Belgium ! Sandrine alias Didine

  2. Anonymous1:24 PM

    LOVE LOVE LOVE Julieree! I love the texture of the tree and the bling bling on the top! =)

  3. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Those look great....

  4. Anonymous3:48 PM

    A great card. A good balance between the sophisticated look and the clearly handmade. What do you think about the visible sewing on the flip side of the card? Do you cover it up? I'm never quite sure what to do about that.

  5. Anonymous5:36 PM

    WoW! I love it! What a super idea, you really made it work - great job ;o)

  6. indeed it did work out! beautiful and well done. that's the kind of card that you hold on to for a while!

  7. Anonymous9:11 PM

    Wow, that looks amazing!

  8. Anonymous5:16 AM

    I don't think it is blingy at all. Really stylish infact. well done.

    I love making the cards, but have trouble actually sending them!

  9. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Julie - that is amazing! so good looking!!!

  10. At some point you're going to get sick of hearing me say it, but your work always amazes me. The card is beautiful. I love what you did with the silver thread.

  11. Anonymous12:46 AM

    So pretty, and tactile, too! I love it. I've been meaning to play with my new zigzagger (the one your marmee helped me find!). I didn't think of playing on paper!

  12. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Oh, Amy, I'm so glad you got the zigzagger. Even just to finish off raw edges so things don't fray in the wash -- but then of course you can do all kinds of other things.
    Everybody have a great holiday season! And Julie -- a great job on that card.

  13. thanks guys!!

    abby--about the reverse side, I did end up covering it with a contrasting colored paper (brown since the envelopes are brown). The tree actually looked cool from the back, but I was too lazy to make the star embroidery look good from both sides. So i just covered it up. It also helped to reinforce the front as it had gotten a little fragile due to all those tiny pin pricks from the zigzagging!

  14. I want to suggest that you consider selling that card for next holiday season. I have a potential buyer in mind. Just let me know and I'll pass on the information...

  15. ah. i have been waiting for this. i knew you would come up with something wonderful! love your trees. how many of these babies are you making???

  16. Super cute! I sewed my cards this year too. And yes, I'm all for the bling!

  17. your christmas cards are fabulous!

  18. Anonymous9:16 PM

    it turned out great!

  19. Anonymous2:45 PM

    I love this!

    (darned blogger wouldn't let me sign in!)

  20. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Jeez, Julie, those are flat-out gorgeous.
