16 September 2006

patchwork coasters

Purl Bee had a great tutorial on making patchwork coasters a few weeks back. So simple, but so cool. I made a set for my good friends in TX as a thank you for their wonderful hospitality last month. I really like the bold colors + geometric shapes. Quite modern, no?

Twin said I'd better put in a card that describes what they are because if I didn't explain it, they'd be like "oh, my, what lovely...ummm...fabric squares."

These are the friends who are doing an IronMan in a couple weeks. Egads. So, guys, you could probably also use them as extra padding on your bike seat or in your running shoes. Cushy and absorbent. It's a good thing. Love ya both and hope you enjoy your fabric squares, however you end up using them.


  1. Those coasters are really cute. I like the colors!

  2. Anonymous12:41 PM

    They're adorable! Its wonderful to see that someone made them.
    Best wishes,
    Joelle (of the purl bee)

  3. I always love your little projects. You have lucky friends in Texas!

  4. Anonymous6:53 PM

    These look great and I love the first photo of them with the mug.

  5. Anonymous3:51 PM

    The twin, she is so encouraging. But I guess that's what you get for criticizing the Slave to Sensation book.

    The coasters look great!

  6. Anonymous4:03 PM

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE your coasters. I made ONE with this method in the spring and there it sits, all alone. Your piles of them are very inspiring. And wonderful mug too.

    Also seriously impressed by your shirt making skills. Damn!
