13 September 2006

someday i will have a giant ruler

I was wandering through Boerum Hill last weekend (in Brooklyn) and happened upon the coolest antique store called City Foundry. All mid-century modern, industrial kind of stuff. Stuffed to the gills, spilling out onto the sidewalk: sleek eames-y chairs and rotary telephones and weird objects like a big metal cast hand inside a belljar. You know, the kinds of things you obviously just can't live without.

How cool is that chandelier? But hands-down I want the giant ruler. You can keep the creepy freaky floating elf. He'd give me bad dreams, methinks.

Work is kicking my ass this week, so there is not much crafting to report. I cut out a pattern (from the SewU book) for a new tunic and now I am in a state of continual indecision about what fabric to use. Do I use the fantastic Liberty print my Mom bought me? yes. no. yes. no. maybe. BE BOLD. DO IT. OKAY.


  1. I LOVE City Foundry. At least, I love all of the goods in the store, but the prices... not so much. Another fabulous store that induces drool - until one sees the price tag - is Darr, just a bit down the street from City Foundry. Just browsing through both is so inspiring. Hope work gets better. The weekend is only two days away!

  2. Anonymous12:15 AM

    um, liberty? use it. totally. if your mom bought it the one time, she may at some point buy you some more!

  3. that giant ruler is fantastic, and so is that mini desk and chair up there on the shelf by the horse. sorry about work, but when are you going to make those cards available to the general public? seriously.

  4. julie, i dont have your email. why is this? email me please!

  5. That thrift/antique store looks so great! I love the ceilings. We just don't have older stuff like that in Arizona, by comparison
