17 September 2006

built by me!

Lookie! I made a shirt! With sleeves AND a collar stand. And it wasn't even all that difficult. If you're interested in learning more about sewing clothes, you should definitely check out the SewU book by Built by Wendy. Her instructions are great, even for a beginner, and she gives you really basic patterns but then tells you all kinds of fantastic ways you can adapt them to make a garment just the way you want it.

And yes, gentle readers: that is a Liberty of London print. My mother bought it for me when she last came to visit. And yes, I do realize how lucky I am. Thanks marmee!!

I had intended to make it tunic-length, but I was concentrating so hard on not screwing up while cutting out the fabric that I was halfway through making the shirt before I realized I had forgotten to lengthen it. But I did remember to measure twice and cut once. In fact, I may have even measured thrice as there was a liberty fabric on the chopping block.

I didn't add much in the way of ornamentation since the print is fairly busy. Well, and because I figured if I tried getting fancy, that would significantly raise the likelihood of finishing the project in tears and rags, rather than with something I can actually wear.

I did, however, add those little keyhole thingies to the sleeves. Wendy suggested it among her many suggestions for personalizing the shirt and I thought, "why yes I think I would like cute little sleeves just like that." In other words it's Sew Me. hee hee. Couldn't help myself.


  1. Wow! Lovely shirt, beautiful fabric, and adorable keyhole addition on the sleeves. Where do you find time for such projects? You are super inspiring!

  2. Anonymous3:48 PM

    So now you need some more Liberty, right? Surely Twin deserves a blouse as beautiful as this!
    Nice job on the sewing -- and I like the sleeve keyholes.
    Time for another shopping trip.....
    and glad you are not in "tears and rags," much less "miserable and lonely, repentent and contrite" (the family tendency to quote at length from Broadway musicals asserts itself here).

  3. Very cute! I picked up that book yesterday at the bookstore and decided relatively quickly that it is way, way, way too difficult for me. But your shirt = awesome.

  4. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Julie! I have missed reading your blog! LOVE everything you have been working on--the cards, the coasters, cami and shirt. I was just thinking on our 11-hour car ride home to OR yesterday, that I wanted to make some patchwork coasters for our friends in CA. And voila, I see you have already made some!

  5. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Julie - wonderful job on the "where the wild things are" shirt... (it will henceforth be referred to as such in my mind).

    THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for the amazingly delicious cake... I really appreciate it. Well done all around.

  6. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Cute shirt! I have that book, too, but haven't cracked open the patterns yet. Seeing your cute shirt makes me see the error of my ways. Looks great!

  7. Anonymous9:25 PM

    That is a cute shirt! I love the fabric and the keyhole detail on the arms. That book is on my Christmas list!

  8. what a fine shirt - there are some beautiful liberty fabrics and as I live in London I am lucky enough to take advantage of their sales, when I can afford! SEW-U should arrive on my doorstep today, I can't wait ;-) Lx
