27 June 2007

well hello there

Hello! This my new front stoop. I have a stoop of my very own! And my mother bought me the most beautiful pots and a collection of wonderful flowers. I put the flowers in the pots and now I can call myself a gardener. A hobby that I think I could get addicted to. As if I needed another hobby.

My first 2 weeks in North Carolina: Magnolia trees and sweet gardenias. Hot sticky days and a sunburned nose. Cool, dark air-conditioned buildings. A new bike. My new bike has a basket. Looove the basket. Finishing one job on a thursday, moving, then starting a new job on monday. A distinct impression that the world around me is moving very fast. Feeling rather stupidly like a deer caught in the headlights but knowing that the rush and roar will abate—I will find my quiet and focus before too long. Missing twin, who is still in NYC (for 2 more weeks). Missing all my comfortable furniture and most my crafting gear, which is also still in NYC. Feeling at first that this new apartment, though quite lovely, is hollow and empty and full of sharp corners and sounds that go bump in the night. But then discovering new neighbors, planting some flowers, planning new curtains. Slowly making friends with this space I will call home.

And I have been missing my blog friends! My bloglines has about a bazillion posts highlighted. I am going to settle down and have a nice long read.

It's good to be back.


  1. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Welcome back! It sounds, and looks, like you've found a great place; you'll be all settled in no time. Not for nothing, your garden is already a bazillion times more impressive than mine, and we've been here 2 years. My poor garden....

  2. hi julie.

    so fun to think of you one town over. :) we should definitely meet for (iced) coffee soon. your new flowers are lovely. aren't moms great? xo shari

  3. Yippee!!! I've been going through serious Julie withdrawl and wondered if you'd ever return to us. I apologize for ever doubting you. You have a porch! And a job! What an adult you are. I'm waiting to own a dishwasher before I call myself one. Anyway... welcome back. We missed you.

  4. Anonymous11:07 PM

    welcome back to blogland!

  5. Anonymous11:12 PM

    You were missed! I was just thinking about you the other day, wondering how your transition has been going. Once Twin moves in I bet you'll get into the swing of things.

  6. Anonymous11:20 PM

    De-lurking to say that I'm really glad you're back! Your new space looks cozy.


  7. Welcome back! Good luck settling in ;-)

  8. Anonymous12:00 AM

    Julie, welcome to your new home! Your little stoop looks lovely. I'm sure it will feel cozy and comfy soon.

  9. i've missed ya! but doesn't taking a blog break kind of feel good every now and then? your new stoop is lovely. and from one former new yorker to another, i think you'll learn to like a slower pace of life quite a bit. i don't feel as hip anymore, but i definitely feel peaceful and relaxed, and that's more important, right? i don't know if you know laura crow's blog (lauracrow.typepad.com), but she is so sweet and lives in north carolina.

  10. Glad you're back and glad to hear you're settling in okay. Welcome to NC :)

  11. Anonymous8:23 AM

    hooray! glad to see your name pop up in bloglines. hope you are getting settled and enjoying the change.

  12. yay for stoops, yay for moms and yay for flowers! so glad to see you back around here.

  13. You don't have a stoop of your very own, you know, Pookie. You will have to share it with me as soon as I get free of this wretched city. Yippee! The flowers look maaaavelous, dahling. I can't wait to see them in person.


  14. Anonymous10:17 AM

    I was just thinking about you this morning. Nice to see you again.

  15. Hellllllooooo Julie! You have been missed! I am so glad you're back and have gotten moved. Your stoop looks wonderful and I know you can't wait for Twin to get there. Welcome back!

  16. Anonymous11:21 AM

    I'm de-lurking to say that I know how you feel, as I've just moved from Texas to Boise, Idaho! It's all so strange at first. But I've learned that planting pretty flowers always helps :)

    I also lived in Chapel Hill for several years and loved it. When you get a chance check out Branch's Bookstore and have some banana pudding at Mama Dip's.

    Have fun settling in.

  17. glad you're getting settled... its fun but kinda freaky too! i'm just getting settled now and yeah... oh jeez theres a lot of blog reading to catch up on! best of luck!

  18. Welcome back! We missed you. And I'm all about your new front stoop, very homey.

  19. Anonymous3:25 PM

    yipee, you're back! boo to you blogging from many hundreds of miles away, however. i much prefered the thought of you blogging from just over the east river.

    and lovely job with the flowers. i don't have any flowers... or a stoop... (and i no longer have a julie across from whom to sit, but i'll let bygones be bygones)...

    new york misses you. your old job misses you too.

    be well. see you soon.

  20. Anonymous4:54 PM

    And there's another pot with the herbs you left behind plus the basil from the farmer's market that sprouted -- maybe it can go behind the barrel on the stoop.
    Glad you like the flowers -- and the cleome (pink flower with five-pointed leaves) makes a nice addition to the group.
    Hope they get a drink this afternoon. The marmee's garden is sooooo dry.

  21. Welcome back - and happy housewarming! The pots look great - they make your house look very inviting and home-y.

  22. Anonymous7:29 PM

    yippee! ur back! if not physically... internettedly... u r much missed :( i can see that pip can hardly hold it together some days... but life goes on and i got news today that i get to hire my own minion at my new job... the student soon enough becomes teacher, grasshopper... rod berg... look out for a call from mrs penot!

    ps- u know how u have to enter a code word to publish ur comment on this site? today, mine is "smenita"... that should be a real word if it isnt...

  23. Welcome to NC, Julie!

  24. welcome back! your pots and flowers look gorgeous!!!

  25. Well - that has made my day - Julie back in Blogland!! Hurray!!
    Don't get addicted to gardening because we need more videos!

  26. Wahooo! I'm glad you're back. I had been checking almost daily, and then I stopped because it was depressing not seeing a new blog from you. And then today I checked, and realized you posted one 2 days ago! I'm glad you're back - soon Jennie will be down there and everything will start to feel like YOUR home in YOUR (new) state. Have fun decorating and re-organizing!!


  27. oh, that is a lovely stoop! while there is much to miss about NYC--a longing that never seems to subside--there is much to love and rediscover about the non-cramped corners of our world! cheers to space, new growth, and having to wait a minute or two for your coffee. :)

  28. Anonymous10:03 PM

    Hello ! What a lovely little porch you have there.

    So glad to hear you're settling in and doing well.

  29. Aw yay! Another wonderful blogger to represent ol' NC!!

  30. welcome to the south julie! :) so so happy that you are back. the rush will calm soon, i know. it sounds like you are already settling in so well. the front stoop looks beautiful! i am still sad to miss you as i head to nyc next month but i'm very excited to hear about your NC adventures!

  31. Your new place looks very homey indeed. And yes, gardening IS addicting! Hoping you are reunited with your sis and craft stuff SOON!

  32. hello back. good to see you around again! we all missed you!

  33. So nice to have you back Julie! And what a beautiful and peaceful place you've picked to call home. I hope those neighbors have already come by with casseroles, plants and hugs to welcome you.

  34. welcome back to blogland! I am in the midst of a big move myself, and it is stinky, isn't it? I hate that unsettled feeling more than I can say. Looks like you have a lovely new place. Hope you are feeling settled soon.

  35. This cannot have effect in actual fact, that's what I think.
