23 May 2007

a wee blog break

The posts have been trickling to a halt around here, so I think it's time to put the blog down for a little nap. I've had so much to say, but no motivation to sit and write. There are changes going on in my life, and in periods of transition I tend to need much more time for internal processing. And conserving my energy for all the shiny newness of all the new things coming my way.

But don't worry, it's all good changes! Exciting changes. Twin and I, after living in New York for several years, are heading south again. We're moving to Chapel Hill, NC. Cool town, close to family, slower pace of life. [We are, in fact, 83-year-old little ladies disguised within 28-year-old bodies, doncha know.]

I'll be spending the next couple weeks packing and saying good-bye to the city—cramming all the things I always meant to do and see here into 2 short weeks. Then settling into Chapel Hill and the wicked cool job I've already landed. Finding the grocery store. Locating the nearest fabric shop. And, of course, re-reading the entire Harry Potter series in preparation for this summer's Harry Potter-palooza. I am a Harry Potter fangirl and not too proud to admit it. You can admit it too, I won't tell.

Anybody got tips about the Chapel Hill/Raleigh/Durham area, bring em on!

Enjoy your early summers and eat lots of ice cream. I'll be doing the same. While packing boxes. I LOVE packing boxes. You can call me crazy. There is really nothing more satisfying than a perfectly packed box.

xo, take care everyone!
I'll probably be back before you've even started missing me. : )


  1. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Good luck with your transition and enjoy your break as things come together for you!

    Coincidences of coincidences, I just moved to Wake forest, NC (north of raleigh) last week. So, if you hear of any good yarn/fabric shops let us know. =)

  2. Anonymous11:46 AM

    oh, i love chapel hill, julie! fatty's brother lives there and we visit occasionally. it's a great town. good luck with all the moving! can't wait till you are back.

  3. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Oh best of luck in the move! I lived in Athens, GA for 3 glorious years when I was first married. I loved being in the south and in a college town - so much life happening around you. The only difference btwn there and here is how much more spread out everything is - you hvae to go a little farther to get to stuff, but its worth it. Have fun!!

  4. Best of luck to you!!

  5. ooh have a lovely date with the city. yay for the wicked cool job, makes these kinds of moves so much easier right? hey are you for hire as far as packing boxes goes?

  6. Anonymous12:22 PM

    good luck - we'll miss you:)

  7. While I'll miss you and your posts, I am so happy for you and your sister. Best of luck on your move and enjoy packing - I get the same thrill from a perfectly packed box! Hope our paths cross again... perhaps in Virginia.

  8. Anonymous12:43 PM

    best of luck with your new move, job!
    Exciting stuff :)

    Just found you a few months back... will look forward to your return.

    OH, I'm rereading the harry potter books too. Love them! Enjoy!

  9. Good luck with your move!

  10. Good luck with the move!

    I love the Harry Potter books too:)

  11. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Another Harry Potter fan wishes you and your sister all the best with your move and your future. I will miss you, so come back soon.

  12. Have a happy time moving! Perfectly packed boxes are the best, as are perfectly labelled boxes. I love taking a stack of 8.5x11 to tape on top with the complete contents of the box, coloured paper if available to show the different rooms.

    So psyched about Harry Potter. I'm listening to the books on tape while spinning.

    Can't wait to see your place on the other side!

  13. Anonymous3:04 PM

    i have been lurking around your blog for a couple of months now without ever being so bold as to comment. today i am starting my very own blog, and i was just visiting you to add you to my blogroll.

    oh my--i am moving to chapel hill, too! i've just left school in vermont and moved home to hillsborough (15 min from chapel hill). i'm planning to make that 15 minute leap to chapel hill in the fall. what a lovely town! we have at least one very dear fabric store i can think of--it specializes in quilt supplies: http://www.thimblepleasures.com
    as for grocery stores, i have a crush on this one: http://www.weaverstreetmarket.coop/ (though i guess "crush" is an odd term to throw around where grocery stores are concerned.) perhaps i'll run into you there, come humid august. ----julia.

  14. I was glad to read your update...I had become a bit concerned about you and twin. Good luck on the move, and I hope you have enough time to say goodbye to the city like you want to. I live in S.C. but I've been to the Raleigh/Durham area several times, and I know you will love Chapel Hill. I will be anxiously awaiting updates down the road.

  15. I love Chapel Hill I visited there about 2 years ago. It is a different pace down there. I would just say enjoy the amazing sweet tea. I think I miss that the most from my visit! So drink up for me!

  16. Anonymous4:17 PM

    I miss you already. Best of luck with your move and transition to NC!! And can't wait to hear more about your new job. Congrats!

  17. Anonymous4:28 PM

    I will miss you (sniffle) but I am trying hard not to be selfish. I wish you happy, happy times in your new home. If you notice obsessive visits to your archive it will be me trying to maintain morale. I will also be clutching my snotrag comfort blanket.
    Come back soon!

  18. Good luck on the big move! And the packing...big job that.

    Make sure to pick out your Harry Potter book for the trip down...as I will, too, getting ready for the next book to come out.

  19. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Congratulations on your move! We'll still be here when you resurface, no worries.

  20. sounds like a good move. good luck with it all. we are packing here in texas, getting ready to head back to brooklyn. i pre-ordered my harry p. book just the other day. am tempted to put one of those countdown things on my blog! again, good luck.

  21. good luck on the move! I hope it all goes very well.

  22. once you get settled in down here, take a little trip down 15-501 to Pittsboro, and visit Beggars and Choosers. It's a gigantic vintage shop that has a whole sewing/fabric room in the back, a bargain basement, and an upstairs filled with gorgeous vintage clothes. The prices are practically vintage, too- so cheap! Watch for the 50% off sales- you will actually feel guilty about the bargains you get. And the owner is a lot of fun to talk to! Maybe I will see you out there!

  23. Anonymous7:09 AM

    already looking forward to the end of your blogging break and seeing more of your fabulous creations

  24. congratulations on the exciting new job and this new chapter! but i'm a bit sad as i'm moving to nyc this summer and you're coming south! you will have to give me all your tips for the city :)
    chapel hill is so much fun. so cute, good farmer's market, little shops and restaurants and nature nearby... you will have a great time! a friend of mine lives in carrboro and it is super sweet. i bet shari has tons of tips for durham too.
    i need some of your packing mojo too chica... i am not a fan of the packing. e is though so hopefully he will do most of it. hee hee.
    missing you already and looking forward to hearing more about the adventures!

  25. have a good blog break and good luck with the move! its all very exciting

  26. Not possible, already missing you *smile* I look forward to your return and wish you the best for a smooth and delightful transition to your new home. Hugs!

  27. http://www.fostersmarket.com/ - supposed to be great!

  28. Anonymous7:37 PM

    so much excitement. It's funny, cause I saw that pic of you? or twin? on flickr in Atlantic city and thought to myself - she does not look like a new yorker to me. Have fun on your new adventure!

  29. Sounds like a wonderful plan! Good luck to you, and I'll look forward to reading about your new adventures.

    Meanwhile I join you in prepping for Book 7 - I'd almost forgotten how *awful* Umbridge is...

  30. congratulations on the big move! change is good.

    i also want to say that reading your blog always cheer me up. good luck!

  31. Anonymous2:12 PM

    reading your blog generally does cheer me up as well. except not this time. don't go. thank you.

    aaand good day.

  32. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Oooh I'm really jealous you are moving there. I went to school in Durham and have such fond memories of the area. It's the best mix between cosmopolitan (lots of great lectures and arts with the plethora of universities) and calmness. Be sure to enjoy the Duke Gardens, lunch (and dinner, and breakfast) at Foster's Market, twilight on the UNC campus, meals at Pop's (in Durham) and lots of barbeque, an extra order of hush puppies with honey butter please! Also take a ride to nearby Hillsborough and hang out at the local cafe and watch people enjoying their lives. We'll miss you in NY!

  33. Have a good move! I love Chapel Hill. I've only visited once though. That's where I wanted to move after school, but I got a job here in Kansas City and I've stayed. I wish I could remember anyplace to recommend, but that was over ten years ago. :)

  34. Anonymous10:11 PM

    Brooklyn will miss you, but it sounds like exciting changes are ahead. Good luck!

  35. i'm so behind! enjoy your prep and packing and new adventures. I love discovering a new town. we'll miss you, but can't wait for the first news upon your return!!! take care!

  36. I live in Raleigh (about 30 miles east of Chapel Hill), but grew up in the Chapel Hill/Carrboro area. It is such a wonderful place--best of luck to you and your sister with the move!

    I adore Mullberry Silks and Thimble Pleasures for my fabrics. I make the trip quite often from Raleigh just for these stores! (Well, and for quite a few other stores/restaurants/clubs as well..you're gonna love it!)

  37. You take care, too. Best of luck with the move, the new job, and whatever else!

  38. hi there!
    so glad to hear you are moving my way. i live in durham which only about 15 minutes from chapel hill. you are sure to enjoy your new home in this area.
    here are some places to hit....
    for eating, elmo's diner in carrboro or durham is awesome (it really is a diner!) crooks corner, magnolia grill and nana's are also pretty good places to have a meal. skip fosters, though. it's not all it's cracked up to be:) saledelia's in durham is a nice greek deli to go to sometimes.
    there is a great place on airport road in chapel hill called "branching out", it's just a really cute store.
    also, for knitting, there is a store in durham called "cozy", it's right next to the durham elmo's. it's got amazing yarns among other things.
    there's a great planetarium in chapel hill, too, if you are ever without something to do:) franklin stree in chapel hill is a pretty fun place to go. lots of shops, etc. so much more to tell about. if you ever need any directions or other suggestions feel free to e-mail me!
    (lcrow121@aol.com) best of luck with the move!!

  39. What exciting changes, Julie! I look forward to hearing from you again soon! All best wishes, Dear.

  40. Julie! What a wonderful change for you. I wish you the best with the transition and hope you are doing well.

  41. Anonymous9:57 AM

    bonne continuation Julie. Je vous souhaites de réussir vos projets professionnels et personnels.

  42. Wow -- good luck with everything, Julie!

  43. Missing your posts and hoping you come back with new adventures soon!
