05 April 2007

birthdays all around

Hi! Those of you who wear glasses know there are certain things that look better if you take your glasses off before looking at them. Like christmas lights, which are way prettier and twinklier when viewed with your glasses off. Well, my face is apparently one of those things. Best viewed a little blurry and out of focus. That is my conclusion, anyway, since after a half-hour attempt at self-portraiture, this fuzzy one is my favorite.

But I wanted to pop in and say hellooooooo in celebration of the fact that this little blog of mine turns 1 year old today. And I turn 28 years old today. Twin turns 28 today too. (funny how that happens) 28 seems simultaneously very old and very young. But I think it will be a very very good year.

I get my birthday off work (yippeee!) so I'm going to do whatever I want. Not sure what yet, but that's half the fun.

It is a joy and an honor to be part of this crafty blog community. Thank you to all who visit and comment and motivate me off my lazy rumpus to create a bit of crafty beauty. It has meant so much to me.

All right, off to find me a birthday cake to plant my face in...

[Oh and you probably want to know where I got those awesome earrings. From the lovely Susan's etsy shop, of course. I love them, and I'm not even much of a jewelry person.]


  1. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Bonne fĂȘte from Montreal!

  2. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Happiest of birthdays, my Julie!
    And much to visit about soon and larks galore ...
    Love the picture.
    Love you.

    oh, yes:
    "Can you read, Pooh?" Owl asked a little anxiously. . . . So Owl wrote, and this is what he wrote:
    Pooh looked on admiringly.
    "I'm just saying `A Happy Birthday'," said Owl carelessly.
    "It's a nice long one," said Pooh, very much impressed.
    "Well, actually, of course, I'm saying `A Very Happy Birthday with Love from Pooh'. Naturally it takes a good deal of pencil to say a long thing like that."

    Have a happy!

  3. Happy Birthday! Hope you have a fantastic day. Hope it's a yummy birthday cake.

    Happy Birthday blog too!

  4. happy birthday julie!
    happy birthday twin!
    happy birthday blog!

    whew... that wore me out. um, can i have a slice of cake now?

  5. Happy birthday, Julie! I hope you have a lovely day off work, with lots of nice presents and people and cake :-)

    Happy birthday, blog! I've recently discovered your blog and I love it. It's such an inspiration.

    As a fellow glasses-wearer, I totally agree with some things looking better with the glasses off...see, that's one of the benefits of having glasses! Non-glasses people don't know how pretty and twinkly slightly blurred chiristmas lights look.

  6. Happy Birthday to you, the blog, and your twin. I have recently found your blog, and have enjoyed looking around. Hope to see you for another year!

  7. Best wishes and Happy Birthday!

  8. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Happy Birthday wishes (to all three of you.)

    Do something fun, eat lots of cake!

  9. delurking to say happy birthday to all of you!

  10. Happy Birthday! I hope you have a fabulous day :)

  11. Well, it's happiness all the way around. Congratulations! I hope you have a wonderful day. And Susan's earrings have a way of making you like jewelry because I'm not a huge jewelry person, either.

  12. Happy happy happy birthday!

  13. Anonymous2:42 PM

    happy birthday!

  14. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Happy Birthday to you!
    Happy Birthday to you!
    Happy Birthday dear Julie, twin and blog!
    Happy Birthday to you!

    And many, many more!!!

  15. Anonymous3:46 PM

    So glad you are part of my little blog world. You continue to inspire me + make me laugh + make me wish I had a twin. Happy Birthday...28 is a good one! =)

    Happy Birthday Twin. =)

  16. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Oh, happy happy birthday, Julie! And Jennie! The bloggy world is brighter for both of you.

  17. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Happy birthday on all accounts! I hope you and your sister have a fabulous day. I second Jen that blogworld is much more beautiful because of you.

  18. Fancy that... it's my birthday, too! Happiest of birthdays to all of us! :)

  19. happy birthday julie and happy one year of blogging! i love visiting you in this space. enjoy that cake! xo shari ps: lovely self portrait.

  20. Happy birth/blog day!

  21. Anonymous9:53 PM


    I recently found your blog and find it thoroughly inspirational. Thanks for that, really. Also, happy birthday! I turned 27 in January and have been having quite similar thoughts about feeling both very old and very young. I think these late twenties may be the perfect age. (Though I hope I think that when I'm 30, and 35, and 40...)

    Have a good day!

  22. Anonymous10:39 PM

    Happy birthday to you, to twin, to the blog! Enjoy 28 -- good age. :)

  23. Happy birthday to you both! I hope whatever your doing, that you're having fun.

  24. Hope it was great:)

  25. happy birthday Julie, hope you had a lovely day x

  26. Happy happy birthday! :)

  27. Anonymous6:24 AM

    happy birthday!!

  28. Happy birthday to you, your blog, and your twin!

  29. Happy Birthday to you and Twin!

  30. Anonymous1:00 PM

    28 is my favorite age and I'm only 22! Enjoy it while you can. Have fun. Happy Birthday to both of you!!

    Your blog is such an inspiration!

  31. Anonymous1:24 PM

    happy, happy birthday to you and twin!

    sarah, from the christmas ornament swap.

  32. oh my! so much to celebrate! happy, happy birthdays all around pretty lady. and save me a piece of cake, please...

  33. Happy birthday, Julie (and Twin)! And happy blogiversary, too.

  34. happy belated b-day! hope you had a great day!

  35. Anonymous9:30 PM

    happy birthday to you!!! hope you had a fun one.


  36. happy happy belated birthday, julie! i hope it was a wonderful one. and now you and i are the same age :)
    and happy blogiversary, too! i'm so happy to have met you here.

  37. I'm so sorry to have missed your birthday - but my absence allowed me to read the love of close to 40 other commentors. Oh, how we love Julie! Hope you had a fabulous day. Thanks for that sulu-design mention. By the way, are those new specs? They're adorable.

  38. Julie, I am sorry to be so late with good wishes! I hope 28 is a fabulous year. I think you look so pretty and nice. Just the way I imagine you.
