07 April 2007

...and you lose some

In the spirit of celebrating my failures as well as my successes, I wanted to share with you this rather dreadful shirt I made last weekend. It's not a complete failure, I grant you, but it really does look awful on me. Maude carries it off a bit better. Sewing clothes can be so discouraging sometimes—there are so many factors to take into account: your own body shape; the type, weight, and drape of the material; the all-important pattern and your own ability to alter it as needed. Sewing a garment can be so time-consuming that to end up with a less-than-perfect result is very discouraging. But I guess it's the only way to learn, and I'm so stubborn that I am going to persevere.

I used a vintage pattern for this shirt, and it was several sizes too big. And that square neckline was just about impossible to get to lie flat. It puckers at the corners and you can see where it's already beginning to fray at one corner. Arg. I do like the crocheted trim, though I'm not certain this was the best use for it.

On a happier note, THANK YOU for all the birthday wishes! We had a lovely day and I'm happy to report that 28 feels about the same as 27. Except maybe a bit wiser, of course.

My wonderful coworkers know me so well—they got me a huge gift certificate to Purl. I had to go spend it immediately. The japanese print on the left is about to get cut up into a skirt. Which I know will turn out ok because it is a tried and true pattern. phew.

On a completely unrelated note, this is a big building just north of Penn Station on 8th Ave that they paint with advertisements. I have always wondered how they paint it. Don't the men look like little ants? Not a job I'd enjoy, I think.


  1. this is my first comment on your wonderful blog {where have i been??}. i like how you celebrate failures and successes, though i don't think this shirt is a failure.

  2. From over here the shirt doesn't look that bad. I bet you'll figure the pattern out the second time around. =)

    Your co-workers know you all too well...love the fabric from Purl.

    And yes, I wouldn't want to paint that entire stinkin' building either.

  3. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Hooray for failures. You should see my "shelf of the damned" where all the soft toys that don't work go to die. It's overflowing.

  4. Lovely fabrics!

  5. I feel exactly the same way about sewing! Sometimes you put so much time and effort into making something, that when it doesn't come out exactly right it's so disappointing. Try and try again, I suppose.

    I was at Purl today too! Isn't it the greatest?

  6. A very Happy Birthday to you! Sounds like you had a super day.

    Love what you've been up to over here! Everything is always so cute.

  7. Anonymous10:47 PM

    i feel so much better knowing that i am not the only one who has issues with clothes! i really do like your blouse, though...maybe it's not as bad as you think.

    your new purl fabrics are beautiful - nice co-workers you have! enjoy your weekend julie!

  8. Anonymous12:37 AM

    i know what you mean about how discouraging making clothing can be. i've had so many blouses not work out that i threw in the trash because i never wanted to see them again. i like your blouse though! just keep this in mind--if you even think for one minute about throwing it in the trash, you should give it to me instead!

  9. Anonymous8:29 AM

    i cannot WAIT to see what that building looks like tomorrow!!!! And likewise, I cannot WAIT to see all the fun things you make out of your new fabric! It will be so cool to have watched you little family of adopted yards of fabric fulfill their destinies!

    ps... i already want another one of those indian-esque thingys... its ALL i've thought about all weekend... it was so nice to meet pip's mom!

  10. You're right - it's disheartening to have a less-than-rewarding result for such hard work. But I think you're on to something. That shirt isn't very far off. I love the color, the neckline, and the crochet trim. And the sleeves are terribly cute. Very close! And thank you for the perspective on 'failures' :)

  11. Oh dear. Your 'failure' is better than my successes!! lol . oh dear - back to the drawing board for me!!

    Can you re-use the material or are you still going to wear it anyway??

    Man, your pictures make me *miss* New York. And I hated it when I was there! lol

  12. Anonymous1:15 PM

    I give you huge credit for even attempting to sew clothing. I like it and my sister has been wanting to see a square collar to finish up a drawing she is doing. I'm going to send her over here to look at it.

  13. I am sorry about the shirt that didn't work out. But, if I know you -- you'll find some fantastic way to alter it and make it just right! You are a great seamstress.
    {Granted, I do not "know" you.}
    And is it just me or does it look like there is a giant monster on that wall about to eat the men on the scaffolding?

  14. beautiful new birthday fabrics!
    and agreeing with the other comments... from this side of the screen the shirt does not look bad, but you are amazing and you will definitely figure out what needs to be done to make it cute on *you*! your creativity with the sewing machine is a constant inspiration.

  15. Anonymous2:17 PM

    The shirt looks nice on Maude, so I'm sorry you don't like it for yourself. Growing up we had a dress form in our garage that we named Matilda - perhaps Maude's long-last cousin?

  16. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Oops, I meant long-lost...

  17. Happy belated birthday to you! I love the top's style, it's a pity it didn't work the way you wanted it to.

  18. Anonymous11:27 AM

    I just yesterday purchased a verrrry similar pattern made by Kwik Sew.
    I hope mine doesn't disappoint. It included an optional belt/tie thingie so maybe it will work out okay.
    I love the fabric you chose for yours.
