25 March 2007

check it out

Twin has posted the funniest movie starring the Wee Wonderful dolls I made. We had so much fun yesterday making it. (FYI in bookish circles, your "TBR" is your "to be read" pile. Twin has a mountain of books in her TBR. My Wee dolls generally sit atop this mountain. So that's how it all started...) check it out.


  1. That was adorable! I loved it.

  2. Anonymous4:49 PM

    OMG! you're apt is nonstop fun on the weekends! When am I coming for a lock-in? i want to craft and make movies and be the third twin...er... triplet... i'm willing to go blonde again! and not just in the front!

  3. Anonymous5:15 PM

    that was great - the two of you have loads of fun, don't you?

  4. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Really, could you + Twin be any cuter/funnier?!? The movie was hilarious. I bet Hillary would love it.

  5. Anonymous9:34 PM

    mmm... creamed chicken and biscuits sounds sooo good. all the more reason for an ft potluck, i say.

    hilarious video. okay. i have to get back to powerpoint. bloody hell. oh, and spring will be here soon, i know it. it showed up briefly both saturday and today. there's hope yet.

    good day. goooooood day.

  6. I enjoyed watching it. Very funny!

  7. That was brilliant! You guys make a great team. :)

  8. That was fantastic. I love how it was like a silent movie, and the background music was just darling. Great work!!

  9. this was *exactly* what i needed to start my day this morning :) so cute and hilarious and chaplin-esque.

  10. Anonymous6:34 PM

    This has confirmed your position as a cult figure among the teenagers in my house. Although... I'm afraid that you are known as 'the snot-rag lady'...

  11. Anonymous12:14 PM

    snot rag lady. oh man. lol. new office nickname. all in favor? "ay"

    all opposed?____________

    done. motion granted.
