29 March 2007

cards and a spot of sun

What's up?! Friday's what's up, friends, and thank goodness for that. I have been trying to get these cards in the shop all week long. [because poor poor me, I had to go see a fantastic movie one evening, and go shopping, and get sucked into a great novel another evening. anyhoo...] These thank you cards were inspired by an old pyrex bowl. Love those dots. The registration on these cards was a bit challenging. Sometimes I forget to think through how I'm actually going to achieve a design before jumping in and starting. After a bit of quiet cursing, I got them all lined up and now I'm quite happy with how they turned out.

I designed these lady doll cards a couple weeks ago, intending to make more and sell them as sets, but I never got around to doing that. Maybe I will make more in the future? Dunno. I am really quite attached to these little dolls. Here are my original illustrations:

I'd originally drawn sixteen of them and I had so much fun giving them different outfits. You can laugh, but this is good good times for me. I think I could draw these things all day long.

And for all my whining and complaining about the cold weather last week, we have had two absolutely gorgeous spring days this week. Sunny and warm and heavenly. During my lunch break I wandered over to the flower district and the shops had filled up all the sidewalks with flowers. It reminded me of the opening scene of My Fair Lady. Well, I guess it wasn't that spectacular, but it was pretty darn nice. I rarely go over there even though it's only a few blocks from my office. That's a strange thing about NYC--it's so jam-packed that to go just one neighborhood over seems an unnecessary trek. We complain at my office that "there's no good food in our neighborhood." But what we really mean is that there is no good food within a 1-block radius. Because heaven forbid we have to walk more than 2 minutes to get exactly the food we are craving.

And if I walk in the opposite direction from the flower district, I'm smack-dab in the middle of the garment district where I am seized with a sudden and all-consuming need for crocheted lace. For a new shirt. wait for it. Twin thought I was crazy to buy the bobble fringe. It just looked so Easter-y to me I couldn't resist it.

Happy Friday!!!


  1. Cute stuff - I can't decide if I like the thank you card or the lady dolls (esp. the one who looks like she's wearing a tie!) more....

    We loved "Amazing Grace", too - terrific movie with a fabulous cast (esp. Cumberbatch, who also has the most delightfully British name ever).

  2. Anonymous10:46 PM

    You let me know if you and twin ever need a visitor from the Midwest. ;)

  3. Anonymous10:56 PM

    I don't know what the garment and flower districts are, but I think I should be jealous - you have beautiful fabrics and trims on your blog!

  4. I immediately thought "Pyrex!" when I looked at those notecards. Adorable! I love the blue/green combo.

  5. oh! The Other Boleyn Girl! That was one of my favourite reads from last year. It was so good. I've been recommending to everyone :D

  6. bobble fringe rocks!

  7. Anonymous8:38 AM

    I read The Other Boleyn Girl over the holidays. Terrific read. I have read a couple of her other books, but they aren't as good as TOBG. Did you use your Gocco to make those cards? Really cute!

  8. the cards look wonderful!

  9. that is a fantastic book, did you know there is a movie coming out with natalie portman and scarlett johansson??? hot. um, totally different from amazing grace though, huh? so glad you wandered over to see the flowers. you know you can wander for us anytime, we love the pictures! have a good weekend girlie...

  10. Oh gosh, where to begin? First of all, the lady dolls. Love them! They remind me of corn husk dolls and they remind me of Little Women. Please do make cards of them. Second, flower district! So pretty! Lastly, and most importantly, bobble fringe is one of mankind's most significant inventions. Never forget that!

    P.S. I made an Easter dress for my little Wendy. No photos, but I needed to tell someone! Yellow gingham with an embroidered white organdy bib style collar. She looks so cute!

  11. i am definitely voting for a doll card printing. You included one in my package of cards and I loved it! they are so fun....

    oh, and your movie with twin and the wee dolls?? hilarious!!

  12. Anonymous3:18 PM

    LOVE the bobble fringe. Definitely a good choice! I always wanted a skirt trimmed in that stuff....

  13. I love those cards! beautiful!, You totally get the sweetness of those old Pyrex patterns, I love the lady dolls as well :) well done!

  14. I love the doll illustrations. I completely understand wanting to just keep drawing more and more of them.
    Your descriptions of walking around new york (flower district! garment district!!!!) make me so jealous. I would love to live there.....sigh.

  15. the lady doll cards are fantastic julie! i also love the photos of the flowers and the trim.

  16. I love the doll cards...are they metallic ink? They look fab!

  17. delicious new cards! i really love the lady dolls in their different outfits. and such an enticing stack of trims! (the pom-poms are pretty intense. but i know you can pull them off :) )

  18. Three cheers for a lovely spring and those sweet dolls. They make great cards! (And remind me a bit of Aunt Jemima by their shape.)

  19. hello, I just found your blog today, very pretty imagery. these ribbons are amazing. I love the bobble fringe. I probably would've purchased it just to bring it home with me because it's so cute.
