20 January 2007

rainbow pillow

I've had a yen recently to practice my hand quilting. A baby-yen, though. Something that could be sated with an evening's work, rather than two weeks of finger-blistering quilting. A pillow-sized yen, rather than a quilt-sized yen. So a little pillow it is.

The funny thing is this is actually the back of my quilting. The side I'd intended to be the front is pieced with green and brown patchwork. But then I turned it over and I absolutely loved the way the multicolored lines of quilting showed up against the plain brown. It reminds me of these blankets and shams which I have been admiring for some time.

I'm hoping after washing it'll be even more puckered and textured. And that my quilting lines don't pull out in the washing. Here's hoping.

And can I just say thank you to everyone who has been visiting here recently? Really you all are so kind and sweet and I don't think I have ever in my life felt so encouraged and supported. I mean, my mom has always said I was something special, but no matter how highly you regard your mother's judgment in general, it's a bit tough to take her word on something like that. And I have met so many amazingly talented and interesting people through this blog. So sorry for the mushy blog-love but here's a great big blog hug (dare I call it a blug?) for every single one of you.


  1. So... I know it's only been three days since you last posted, but I've been anxiously awaiting your next post. I love literally EVERYTHING that you create - this pillow being no exception. Here's big blug back to you for always thrilling me with your creations.

  2. Anonymous2:36 PM

    yep, really good. now give us some *technical* details, dear... did you do the rocking stitch from the top for this? i am a sad sack of a sewer doing it that way and could do with the same sort of practice.

  3. Anonymous3:06 PM

    i adore this pillow! simple and beautiful. you have incredible talent (your mom is right) and are a true inspiration. blugging you back!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Oh, so pretty! Can we see the front of the pillow, pretty please?

  6. Good stuff! I know that my lines wouldn't be nearly as straight. So, when ya gonna show us the front? You can't tease like that!!

  7. Anonymous5:38 PM

    I've only recently found your blog, but I have to say, it's quickly become one of my favorites!
    I completely envy your quilting talents (among others), you have such an eye for colour!

  8. Julie, I just found your blog, but I'm already checking it everyday. Your crafts and writing are always funny and encouraging. Keep up the good work!

  9. Anonymous7:46 PM

    I'm in the midst of the quilt-size finger-blistering hand-quilting. I probably should have started with a project like this!

    You are certainly something special! Moms know.

  10. oh gosh, that is so lovely! i think you are super special, your mom is a smart lady. and yes, technical stuff please? was this hard to do?

  11. hi julie,
    the pillow is beautiful! you're right... the simple lines of colored stitching against that fabric are lovely. a blug to you too :)

  12. that pillow is brilliant. the subtle colors against the brown is perfect. and that's a great word. blug.

  13. Anonymous5:28 PM

    I love this project. I've been dreaming up a rainbow thread quilted white quilt but now I'm loving how the colors are a little more subtle on the brown you chose. You lines are so straight and your stitches are so even. You're a total natural! Now I must leave off and go practice.

  14. ahh! i love it. what kind of material is the brown? I'm getting a "yen" to make a quilt that is just dark blue (navy) with white stitching. but all the solids at my local shop are too cheapo feeling. any suggestions??
    oh, and you forgot to show us the other side!!

  15. Anonymous10:48 PM

    ooo the pillow is so cute!

  16. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Even my mom thinks you are great!

  17. Loving your pillow and your creativity. A big blug right back at ya.

  18. I like your pillow an awful lot(also like the link to the bedding that you have your eye on). you did a nice job. great idea on working on a pillow rather than a large quilt!

  19. Anonymous9:20 AM

    I *heart* your blog! I can't get enough of your creative projects and the bond you share with your twin (which reminds me a lot of my sister and I). In fact, I talked about it so much, that we decided to start blogging together.

    Thanks for the inspiration--both literally and figuratively (I used your your iPod tutorial to make my Isis a cozy).

    Thanks for sharing all your loveliness.


  20. Anonymous5:04 PM

    consider yourself tagged! i am tagging you for six weird things because I enjoy your blog so much.
    RULES: people who get tagged need to write a blog post of 6 weird things about them as well as state this rule clearly. in the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave a comment that says “you are tagged” in their comments and tell them to read your blog.
    you can read my six weird things at my blog www.gingerathome.wordpress.com

  21. That is some beautiful stitching! Wow! I am swooning over it.
