23 January 2007

handquilting tutorial

This past weekend I got what seemed to be a brilliant idea to do a tutorial on handquilting. A video tutorial on handquilting. Someone should have stopped me right there and said "but you don't know how to make videos." Small detail. Someone probably also could have stopped the madness before it began by reminding me that I was going to have to speak during the darn thing and then everyone was going to hear my voice. I don't even like talking on the phone, much less broadcasting my voice far and wide across this mighty internet.

But well, fools do rush in, so I made the movie. The resolution is pretty awful and it's a bit hard to see what we're doing in places, but I hope it is moderately instructive. It's a beginner's tutorial for handquilting. Even if you've never picked up a needle, you can do this. My many many thanks to Twin, who I managed to rope into demonstrating her technique, which is far superior to mine.

And I'll state for the record that I do not in real life have a lisp. I watched rather helplessly as the video and audio quality diminished from somewhat crappy to nearly unwatchable with each step from transfer to compression to upload.

I almost didn't post it. But then I decided that life is way too short to be shy.


  1. Anonymous10:36 PM

    Your hand-quilting tutorial is wonderful! I think that you should be very proud. And I'm completely unbiased.

  2. That was very good! I wish I had seen it a couple weeks ago when I was pulling my hair out over learning this stitch. :) I'm still not as good as Twin there, but my hair is growing back.

  3. Nice video! I think you both did a great job.

  4. ooh, thank-you! I've just started quilting and it was so handy.

  5. Anonymous7:41 AM

    julie, it's great! i plan on making a quilt one of these days and i know this tutorial will be very helpful.

    ps - i don't hear a lisp.

  6. I'm so glad you made this little tutorial...love it...been thinking about making a little quilt from my scrap pile and never really had a good demonstration of hand quilting...i'm inspired!...thanks!

  7. i mean, c'mon! it has credits and music??! you're a pro. What a great video, because really I have (HAD) no idea how to handquilt. So, now I may just get out my masking tape and give a few straight lines a try. I was wondering what they were talking about in "Little House" with the lull of the rocking needle...now I know.

    Now, I've got to get my hands on some of that music. Will you be selling a soundtrack to your video?!

  8. Thank you so much!! I just spent over 30 min yesterday looking for a video on hand-quilting and never found anything. Good timing :)

  9. I didn't have the foggiest idea how to do this before watching your tutorial. Thank you! It really is wonderful and I can't tell you how much I appreciate it.

  10. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Thank you so much. I have attempted Handquilting in the past but it has never turned out as I would like it too. This tutorial was like an ephipony for me. Thank you so much

  11. Anonymous7:18 PM

    That was a great tutuorial! I've done some hand quilting, but I've stopped because it made my hands hurt. I think the thimble is key!

  12. So I didn't even watch to the point where you started tutoring - I had to stop it and comment to tell you how awesome you are for making this! The intro is so fun, and you just rock for putting this all together. Now I'm heading back to actually learn something from it.

  13. Wow, thanks so much for the awesome tutorial, I have all the material gathered to start my very first quilt, so this will come in so handy! I thought that the video was well done and am so glad you decided to share it with all of us!

  14. wow, so nice~
    It's really interesting to see how someone else hand quilts. At first I thought I'd know what you were going to say/do, but actually, I do things a bit differently. wierd. (i mean, i never thought my style of quilting was anything out of the ordinary, but... i guess it is) but your tutorial is so cool; very easy to understand. I'm just bummed that the picture quality isn't better, I couldn't see your basting stitches at all.
    Great job. I've gotta tell some people about this.

  15. you did a GREAT job on your video tutorial!!! I just started watching it when my husband walked into the room and he said, "now you are watching videos of quilting?" (Like that is a bad thing?) Anyway, I am working on a full/queen sized antique quilt for my friend's mom and I am handquilting it....never had any lessons, so I am anxious to try this technique and see if it helps my stitch quality. I can bet that it will!
    Thanks for not being shy and posting it. :)

  16. You've been tagged!
    I am tagging you for 6 weird things.
    RULES: People who get tagged need to write a blog post of 6 weird things about them as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says "you are tagged" in their comments and tell them to read your blog.

  17. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Thanks, that was just what I needed.

  18. Anonymous7:58 PM

    i tried and tried to post a comment the other day that went something like this:

    This is why i FREAKING love craftblogs. great info, a little self-deprecation, and happy music. you're a star.

  19. Anonymous6:24 PM

    You guys are superstars. Twin has lovely hands and wonderful stitches! I'm properly shamed and now must go pull out my hand project which has been sitting idle since July or something.

  20. Anonymous8:59 PM

    That was really good. I've been really scared to try quilting because I thought it would be too hard, but you've made it look really easy.

  21. Anonymous8:08 PM

    wow, that was a great video!!! (i'm serious. visually explained things i haven't really been able to picture just reading about them) thanks for sharing!

  22. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Yes - it was a brilliant idea! I am just about to start my first-ever handquilting attempt. Your very human video makes it all seem so much less intimidating. I am anticipating "happy quilting." Thanks, Julieree! And thanks Twin!

  23. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Thanks so much for this video. I've been looking all over the internet for a clip of someone doing hand quilting because I am having trouble accomplishing it. Your video, along with the commentary, is great. I found some without sound, but your comments really help make yours special! Thanks, again.

  24. Anonymous4:56 PM

    This is perfect for learning the art of quilting!!
    I would like you to follow up with how to attach the squares together.
    You Rock,
    Thanks again,

  25. I am glad that you posted your tutorial. It was very excellent and I finally understood the process. I have tried with extreme frustration and ended up quitting. I feel confident enough after seeing your video to once again give it a go. I recently made a table topper that is ready to quilt. So in just a short while I will try your wonderful instructions. Thanks again.

  26. OMG! I am so glad I stumbled onto your blog. This is by far the best hand quilting tutorial I've seen. I've been trying to research how to do this. I tried one blanket without success. It was a mess. I'm going to try it again but this time I'll be using the tips from your tutorial!! Thank you so much for posting this!!!

  27. Anonymous4:37 PM

    thank you! now I know what I have to do!

  28. I just love how generous artists are and you are a queen amongst them.
    Thank you so much.

  29. Thanks. I was looking for a tutorial and was happy to find a visual. I have been hand quilting a little and needed to know how to end the thread. I'm sure I will be pulling it up again just to refresh myself. Very helpful.

  30. robin Licavoli11:59 PM

    Very nicely done! It's been years since I hand quilted and needed a quick primer. Thank you both for the demonstration. You should be very proud of your production.
