04 January 2007

keyholder wall pocket thingy

A few months ago our old wooden mailholder/keyhook thingy by the front door took a dramatic and sudden leap to its death on the hallway floor. "This life is too hard" it croaked, lying broken on the floor, its many-times-over gorilla-glued pieces parts once again come asunder, its inadequate hardware flung aside. It took a few dying gasps, then went to a far, far better place.

Out of respect for our fallen comrade (or maybe, just maybe, out of laziness), we didn't immediately replace it. Instead we hung our keys on the lonely little nails that were left sticking out of the wall where it used to hang. Apparently this got on Twin's nerves after about three months and she decided to take it upon herself to light a fire under my ass and get me moving on the project. She picked out the fabrics and dug the corkboard out of the supply closet. "Pockets," she said, and shoved me toward the sewing machine. This was good. Sometimes the best thing our loved ones can do is light a fire under our ass. Here I was, rolling around the apartment, feeling a bit fat, glassy-eyed, and lazy after the bustle and indulgence of the holidays, and she orders, "Make!" So I made.

Easy peasy this was. Inspiration lifted from those incomparably elegant Shim wallpockets (thank you sally!). After sewing the pockets on, I just stapled the flannel to the back side of the cork panel, then stapled a length of bias tape across the back for hanging. Simple but good.


  1. Anonymous12:18 AM

    Julie! This is fantastic. Love it. Man, I need a twin to order around and make things for me. ;P [Just kidding, Jenny!]

  2. "Sometimes the best thing our loved ones can do is light a fire under our ass." priceless words of wisdom right there. i love this wall pocket, all most as much as i love the thought of you two hanging your keys on those lonely nails. so funny.

  3. all most? come on hannah, almost. it is time to go to bed...

  4. Anonymous8:44 AM

    beautiful julie...
    wish i had a jenny to light a fire under my ass.

    p.s. nice fabric choices jenny

  5. Hi, just discovered your blog through visiting another. Love the wall pocket.

  6. i definitely believe you were paying the old wooden one its due respect.

    but, but...i do love that new one. i'm sure its predecessor is smiling down.

  7. Anonymous10:49 AM

    love this. i'm feeling a huge urge to make something pockety, too!

  8. I like your wall pocket... very nice!
    I found your blog around Christmas time when things were quiet around blog land and I went out exploring. I loved your gingerbread village...fabulous! It sounds like you and Jennie have a fun time together....but it made me miss my sister a lot!! (we live 12 hours apart) We are not twins but we share the same b-day 2 years apart. I am the crafter, she is the reader...although we do dabble in the other's interest a little bit. Anyway, all of this said to let you know that I enjoy your blog and thanks for the lovely inspiration!

  9. Anonymous8:46 PM

    it's soooo *cute* - i love the embroidery.

  10. Adorable! Sally's pockets are quite inspiring, and since Martha did a little spread on pocketed items in a recent issue, I've been searching for pocket needs to fulfill in our apartment. You found a great one!

  11. very sweet. We need a solution like this for our new apartment. We managed to lock ourselves out the other day.

  12. Anonymous11:49 AM

    cute! i think i need to make one of these, since i spend way too much of my free time helping my husband look all around the house for his keys!
