01 January 2007

happy happy brand new year

hmmm. Do I have to go back to work now? pooh pooh. We've been back in NYC for a few lazy days. I have read three novels (almost as many as Twin, gasp!) and accomplished almost nothing. I did balance my checkbook and create a new revised personal budget that is a model of economy and moderation—the effort of which left me a bit depressed and drove me to seek refuge in the aforementioned novels. Twin is a little money squirrel. She has hoards of it. Well, relatively speaking anyway. I would not be surprised if she has little sacks of it hidden in nooks and crannies all around her room. Me, I hemorrhage money. Unfortunately.

Anyhoo that's my resolution and I'm sticking to it. I made a few other resolutions but I won't share them, because then I would actually have to stick to them as well.

These pictures are a few I took in Williamsburg over Christmas. Have you visited Williamsburg? Probably you were dragged there in the third grade and you found it deadly dull. But it really is lovely. "Pleasant" and "charming" both apply which gives some people the heebie-jeebies, but I think it beautiful. It's home. If you want to see more pix there is a set. And no, Williamsburg is not bathed in a perpetual rosy cast, there just happened to be a particularly spectacular sunset that evening.

And look what was in my mystery box from Twin. The cake plate I have gazed at adoringly for years from Crate&Barrel is now all mine. I baked a cake today and it can be excused for being slightly dry and having strange coagulated chocolate bits in its icing, because it looks so very regal sitting atop its elegant pedestal.

Kind of like a birthday cake, which seems fitting for the day. Happy birthday to this new year and may we make it a peaceful one, and a good one.


  1. oh! very regal indeed. happy new year

  2. Anonymous8:48 AM

    happy new year to you Julie! the cake plate is fabulous and the cake looks even more divine.

  3. happy brand new year to you too julie! i did just about as much this last week too, only it was sudoku not novels. needless to say work was a terrible shock to the system this morning. ouch. your plate is very very lovely.

  4. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Happy New Year Julie [+ Twin]!

    The cake looks delicious sitting atop that lovely platter.

  5. Happy New Year, Julie! Williamsburg looks lovely- I've never been, but I sure hope to someday. Hurray for Twin! That cake plate is gorgeous!

  6. happy (birthday) new year, julie! your williamsburg pictures are beautiful. it is such a neat place to get lost in....
    i can see why you've been swooning over that cake plate--beautiful!

  7. Oooh, that plate is wonderful! Good for you! And what books did you read?

  8. Williamsburg was on our "to visit" list this holiday, but we never made it there. Some day! Your photos make it look wonderful. And that cake plate - magnificent! Happy New Year.

  9. Anonymous11:25 PM

    Happy New Year! I, too, had reservations about posting my resolutions for all to see. I did it anyway though -- we'll see if I regret it.

    Very regal cakeplate. :)

  10. I *love* Williamsburg! Big goobers that we are, my husband and I went there on our honeymoon. I'd love to see it all decorated for the holidays.
    What a pretty cake plate.

  11. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Great blog site! Love the cake stand. Happy new year!
