02 September 2006

bedroom is definitely getting happier

Project Trying to Make my Bedroom Look a Little Less Sad is coming right along. Helped in large part by my new print from the Black Apple! She put a print up in her shop last week called "Acorn Twins" and I had to order it immediately because it was so perfect. I happened to mention in the email that I had a twin, but that I was going to be selfish and keep the print for myself rather than give it to my twin. So it arrived yesterday and what had that lovely Emily done, but gone and put two prints in—one for me and one for Twin. How nice was that!?

I had picked up the old frame at a stoop sale this summer. It's actually a window pane that someone converted into a frame. I put two fabrics on either side of the twins print. It's making me very happy.

And I made new curtains. Now it was a bit tricky to photograph because my room is really more of a glorified closet than a proper room and because, though I guess the sun still exists, we haven't seen it here in Brooklyn in, oh, about an eon. But it's a lovely eyelet with delicate blue stripes. I like the way the light twinkles through it. They are very simple panels with a band of the charcoal gray (same as the tuxedo pillow) at the top.

And look what else came in the mail yesterday? My gift tags from Tammie's swap! So many incredibly cool and creative tags. You can see them all on the flickr pool.

We're keeping indoors until this cool, rainy weather finally passes over us. Perfect weather for sewing, or maybe a bit of crochet. Happy long weekend to all!


  1. What an adorable print and framing job! And the eyelet fabric was the perfect choice for curtains - they are lovely. Your project T.T.M.M.B.L.A.L.L.S - whew! - is coming along swimmingly!

  2. Anonymous9:38 AM

    I have just received one of your beautiful tags from Tammies swap so i thought I would say hello. This is a lovely blog.

  3. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Hello from England. Thank you so much for your lovely gift tag from Tamnmie's swap. Your blog is very nice.
