01 August 2006

acts of kindness

More fabric collage, this time in celebration of some lovely acts of kindness that have come my way recently. The quote is from Paul Simon. (You can click the image to see it a bit larger.) There's another line in the song that goes, "acts of kindness, like breadcrumbs in a fairy tale forest, lead us past dangers, as light melts the darkness." I am always amazed how the smallest little kindnesses can dispell gloom and fear and insecurity—erasing them so easily that you wonder why you ever felt such irrational emotions in the first place.

About this little collage. More fusible interfacing. Bit difficult to peel the backing away from those eensy-weensy raindrops. I think my favorite raindrop is that mutinous little one in the middle that insists on falling straight down, rather than diagonally like all the others. It's backed in felt, and you might ask how is it hanging so stiff and straight? Well, excellent question, and not a problem that was easily solved. It involved dowels and a felt pocket and many minutes of head-scratching.

And about these inspiring acts of kindness. My friend Dora's mother is a pattern and sample maker (how cool is that?) and Dora thought I might be interested in some leftover fabrics. Um...YES!!! And here's the stack that I got from her. Just yards and yards of the most beautiful fabrics. A few intricately embroidered satin-y fabrics that I'm a bit frightened to use they are so lovely, and an eyelet that is begging to be made into a dress, and those stripes which I think may have to be some new curtains for my bedroom. Thank you so much Dora and Dora's mama!!!

And you nice nice people in blogland who have left encouraging comments here recently. I'm a bit of a shy one, and do not seek out attention, but of course I relish it when it does come my way. Too many creative endeavors die for lack of encouragement, I think, but which might have evolved into something great and good with just a few choice words tossed in the right direction. So thank you to everyone who has left kind words about my little endeavors here. I'm encouraged to keep on keepin' on.


  1. You're welcome! I can't wait to see what those fabrics become.

  2. Anonymous12:49 AM

    I'm loving your fabric collages! And the new fabrics are beautiful. Have fun in TX!

  3. I'm just flipping out over your fabric collages - seriously gaga. You are one tremendously creative cookie.

  4. Anonymous1:31 PM

    oh that is a great pic of the fabrics-- not to mention, just great fabric. i love the moments you've captured in that collage as well. very nice.
