30 July 2006

south pacific apron

A Bali Ha'i apron for Tie One On. I have to say the musical challenge was a tough one for me. Because I am a total musical dork. I love them all. Can't think of a single exception. Because where else in life is it perfectly acceptable to spontaneously bust out in song with maybe a bit of tap-dancin' to go with it?

At first I was going to do an Adelaide apron, all glitzy ritzy 50s style. Then I was going to make Jennie a Madame Librarian apron. But then I saw this fragment of island luau-y fabric in my stash and I knew there was only one musical apron in my future. I won't say South Pacific is my absolute favorite musical; I find it a bit overly melodramatic. But the music is so classic. I mean, Some Enchanted Evening. That's all I have to say about that.

I didn't have much of the luau-y fabric so I added the ruffle. This kind of makes it look like one of those skirts that are so popular with the tweens nowadays. Apparently there's a little shriveled-up old lady inside me that thinks "the CLOTHES these young people wear today. Might as well run around naked. In MY day, we dressed properly." But I try to ignore that little old lady inside of me because those little tweens should be able to enjoy their little tween stick legs. Puberty will bless them with hams soon enough.

That fabulous fabric flower is courtesy of Blair's wonderful tutorial. So easy and so beautiful, I'm gonna make more.

Jennie exacted a high toll for the hula pose in the top picture. She's becoming one expensive model. Soon we'll be moving out of baked goods and into cold hard cash.


  1. I will draw up a list of pricing for you.


  2. Anonymous8:24 PM

    CUTE apron! You're lucky to have an in-house model!

  3. How did you sew the ruffle? Is there a specific technique? The apron is fantastic!

  4. What a super cute apron! I'm enjoying your blog. Thank you also for visiting me today and encouraging my son! :)

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. thanks so much guys!

    kelli--I kind of winged it with the ruffle. I just cut that piece about 1.5 times as long as the luau piece. Then baste across the top (like 7 stitches per inch or so). Gently pull the bottom (bobbin) thread until it gathers. When the length matches the flat piece you're attaching it to, you can pin the ends and wind the bobbin thread around the pins so it doesn't un-gather. Then spread the gathering out so it's even. Then just stitch your two pieces together. I think also if you have a fancy-wancy sewing machine, there is such a thing as a gathering foot. Actually, maybe my machine has a gathering foot. I should probably learn how to use it. :)

  7. Anonymous9:27 AM

    I love your apron. Your photo of it is quite beautiful!

  8. this is AWESOME! love the picture too, will buying the nikon d50 help me make cool aprons like this? sign me up!

  9. ps. that little old lady is inside of me too!

  10. Anonymous9:53 AM

    oooh lovely fabric :)
