13 May 2012

baby trousers and man trousers

A few months ago, I sewed up these baby pants as a gift for my cousin's new little baby girl. They're the Quick Change Trousers from Anna Maria Horner's Handmade Beginnings. They're reversible, so I put a soft flannel on one side and some cheerful cotton prints on the other. Matt was quite taken with them and asked if I could make a pair for him. Yes. I married the most delightful man in the entire world. 

So Matt got his very own Quick Change Trousers. I used the pattern pieces from Simplicity 2290, but followed Anna Maria's instructions so they'd be reversible. 

I originally cut out a size too big, so at first they were swimming on him. The phrase "clown pants" might have been used. But Matt never lost faith in the pants, and after I adjusted the side seams and tightened the elastic waist, they fit him perfectly. 


And here's the reverse side. Yes, this man will wear polka dots on his butt. And if you needed further proof that I married the most delightful man in the world: when asked what he wants for our upcoming second anniversary, his answers have included "rent a bouncy house" and "unicycle."


  1. I love the man pants! I wish I could get my man into something like that but I'm sure he'd never go for it. Boo.

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