08 September 2010

one year

Flowers to celebrate one year in our new home. We have painted five rooms, and bought paint for one more (this weekend's project). I have planted new shrubs, and only killed about half of them. We hosted Thanksgiving and then a whole wedding. I have a husband who actually enjoys mowing the lawn (my hero), and a garden that has produced a surprising number of beautiful blooms. Home ownership so far has been very sweet. (I just jinxed myself and fully expect a tree limb through the roof or a failed water heater shortly).

The mums above came from the grocery store but the Autumn Joy sedum and caladiums came out of the garden. It's lovely to have some plants that actually thrive in the hottest and most humid days of our NC summer. Everything else is drooping but the sedum and caladium are loving it. Bless them.

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