29 August 2010

the food

My mom was the superhero with the food. Above is the menu from the party Saturday night, and it was all incredible. Matt laughs at me because whenever I cook (even if it's just for the two of us), I always cook enough for about three times as many people as I am actually serving. I get this directly from my mother, who will stay up half the night worrying after a big family dinner if one of the dishes actually gets finished..."someone might still have been hungry!"... Despite our tendency to overcook, we were still mighty nervous about preparing enough food for 100 people. But with the help of many kind friends, it all turned out amazingly well. We had a huge gas grill for the ribs and bbq, and my mom made enough of her famous dinner rolls for everyone to enjoy both nights--with plenty to spare, of course. (I think she made about 8 batches and froze them all in the weeks before the wedding.)

I ordered bamboo plates and flatware, and we used Mason jars for all the drinks--jelly jars for wine, half-pints for beer, tea, and lemonade. We made a bourbon raspberry lemonade that was a big hit, and I've been drinking it all summer since the wedding. (very easy: 1 part bourbon, 2 parts ginger ale, and 2 parts raspberry lemonade)

We decided against a wedding cake, and instead asked close family and friends to contribute a dessert. The dessert table ended up looking like a county fair bake-off (the picture above is before about half the desserts arrived). We had pies: strawberry-rhubarb, blueberry, apple, and sweet potato. We had cakes: coconut, lemon bundt, chocolate pound, and honey bun. We had a huge banana pudding, and my mom made her trifle. There was blackberry cobbler and chocolate ganache tarts. And I'm probably forgetting something. It was amazing. And I think everyone appreciated the opportunity to contribute, and it made it so special. Not to mention freaking delicious.


  1. Marmee5:36 PM

    Three cheers for the Belmont Butchery in Richmond, who supplied the amazing artisanal ribs and free range chicken, and to Chuck and Erin Riedhammer of Galax, who cooked the ribs, ran the barbecue and made slaw and cucumber salad. Thanks too to my office -- Tim, Sara, Tyler and Erica -- who spent a day chopping onions, making salads and brining and baking chicken pieces (48 chickens makes a lot of pieces to fit into and out of one oven, just sayin'). And to Hannah who helped non-stop the day of the wedding and the barbecue, doing whatever needed to be done, as did Matt's mom and aunts, my sister, Carol and so many more. It was a case of so many hands -- and so special because the hands all belong to folks we love and who love us. Hooray for all of them!

  2. The chap is absolutely just, and there is no question.
