11 August 2009

rick rack!

I made a set of 8 napkins for Twin last week. She loves red, so this is definitely an ode to red. Every napkin is a different print, but all have the same red rick rack around the edges. I got the inspiration and the directions from Joelle Hoverson's lovely book Patchwork and Quilted Gifts. I love that book. I want to make the brown and blue quilt out of that book so dang much. I will get to it one day.

These are actually a housewarming gift for Twin. Change is afoot. I am not so good with change, which is why the blog has been so quiet lately. But the change is good--oh so good!--except for the fact that I won't be living with my sister anymore. We've lived together almost our entire lives, with only a year here and there when we were apart. I really don't have the words to describe what a blessing it has been in my life. But that's the great thing with my sister. I don't have to have the words to say it because she knows. I know. We know.

I want to put this in teeny tiny type because I can still scarcely believe it, but Matt and I are buying a house! The most perfect, beautiful, charming bungalow. We move in two weeks, so it will continue pretty quiet here on the blog for a little while, but then I expect it will turn into a This Old House kind of blog as we learn the joys and challenges of owning a nearly 100-year old home. I am so freaking excited I don't know what to do with myself. Pack! That's what I'll do. Lots of packing!


  1. bring on the this old house stuff. seriously.

    and lucky twin - those napkins are super cute!

  2. ack!! sniff sniff. i miss my sister!!! good thing we can have lunch and dinner dates so often. :)

    and i looooove my red napkins! so bright and cheerful.

  3. ooo the napkins are wonderful! and i love that blue-brown quilt from the book too...

    and congratulations on the upcoming move! wishing you every happiness in your new home together. i'm looking forward to the housey posts to come once you get unpacked! Xx

  4. Your napkins are so cute! Ricrac just makes everything better, no?

    I totally know what you mean about that brown and blue quilt -- it's on my "when I learn to quilt" list too.

  5. Buying a house?!? Congratulations! You are the kind of person who can handle the needs of a 100 year old home, I just know it. It's going to be one beautiful place when you get your hands on it, I'm sure. Enjoy. And best to you and the twin... I know it'll be tough.

  6. Love, love, love the cute napkins! I adore ric rac, it's one of my favorite trims along with pom pom balls.

  7. Love these! I am inspired to make some!
