31 March 2009

hello there!

Someone asked me recently why I stopped blogging. I had a hard time explaining it. I'm sure it has something to do with cycles and seasons, life changes and shifting priorities. I like letting life take me where it will, and it just seemed to lead me away from my blog for a while. But I miss it. The kind comments from friends, the inspiration I get from fellow blogs, the drive to create and explore and share.

So, here goes. But I should probably catch you up on some stuff first. There are all kinds of new people for you to meet:

I met Matt about a year ago. It’s very good. He’s true and kind and genuine. He aspires to have a beard like Mr. Twit and doesn't really like bathing all that much, though he makes an effort when I am around. Doesn't talk when he doesn't have anything to say, but when he does, it’s always something worth hearing. Writes beautiful poetry, loves horror films, and does the best impressions (my favorite is barfing dog). At age 34, he still thinks the best birthday presents come from the toy store. With him around, I laugh a lot and am reminded of all the good, true things in life.

With Matt comes Scout, who is the smartest and sweetest dog you ever met. The puppy in the picture is Abby, a little five-week-old lab mix who will be coming home with us this weekend. Difficult to predict how Scout will like being a big sister. I'm thinking she'll take to it with her usual good grace, because that's just how she is.

I adopted two kittens last fall. Max purrs like a diesel engine and is a bit daft, but very loving. He's also very pretty.

Guthrie has a quiet dignity, the kind you would expect from a Southern gentleman and a cat. His purr is a very low rumble, and he reserves it for extra-special moments, making it quite the compliment if you are so lucky as to inspire it. He is much more careful with his personal hygiene than Max.

Now you've met the menagerie. There will be a quiz later. I am still amazed that somehow I have acquired a whole little family.

It’s full-on spring here. Dogwoods just coming out. I can’t wait for it to get sizzling hot. I have all kinds of plans for summer. It feels good to be back.


  1. Hello Julie Girl!

    I love your voice and presence on the interwebs. Good to have you back!

  2. Welcome back! The new family is lovely - thanks for sharing.

  3. Yay you're back!!!!!
    um, he sounds like a keeper :)
    good on ya

  4. yay! hello from new york. we miss you! (oh, and i'm crazy jealous you're getting a puppy... she looks adorable. if this blog turns into a 'watch abby grow' site, i'd be fine with that).

  5. wheee!!! i had a dream the other night you were blogging again... how weird, right? i guess dreams DO come true :p
    good day,
    mrs penot

  6. Last night, I was just transferring my blogs over to Google Reader, and I *almost* didn't bring you over because I thought you were gone forever. :) I'm glad things are going well!

  7. yay! it's julie!
    so nice to hear from you. it looks like life is treating you really well.

  8. Hi Julie! I had a feeling there was a "Matt." So glad you're enjoying life! I thought your move might bring you changes like this.

  9. Your cats are like mine. I have 2 girls and one is like Max, who purs like an engine and very daft and one like Guthrie very gentle and more careful with hygiene. hehehehe....

    I am glad that you are back. I love reading your posts. :*)

  10. what a wonderful post. i've been away from blogger awhile too, though i keep spying on all my favorites :). silly how much i love reading other's posts and getting inspiration, but forget that maybe someone else out there likes to get the same from me (stress: maybe).

    anyhoo, you are obviously a favorite of many, glad to see you & your lovely peeps back!

  11. I am so glad you're back! Lovely post, as always. Thanks.

  12. You know, when some folks don't blog for a while, I delete them from my Bloglines. But never you. I am willing to wait, because I enjoy your posts so much. Blog as much or as little as you like; I'll be here.

    Congratulations on all the wondrous life changes. Your Max has my Mira's coloring, but not temperament. She's only loving when she's not running around like a banshee. Isn't kittenhood all too short?

  13. Good to hear from you again. :) And I love the little family. What lucky little animals...

    And happy birthday to you and your sister a day early! :) I only remember because it is also mine. I promise I'm not stalking you. ;)

  14. glad to have you back! exciting things happening in your life! i really admire people that can do the 'i'll say something if it's worth saying' thing, i wish i could do it... i talk too much!
