30 June 2008

my friend mandy

*ahem* Please excuse the abrupt emergence from my blogging sabbatical but LOOK WHAT I BOUGHT ON EBAY!!! Hillary blogged about her Mandy doll a couple months ago and ever since then I have been just yearning for a Mandy doll. I had a Mandy doll when I was little and my Mom and Grandma sewed us all kinds of clothes for her. I don't have a clue what happened to my old Mandy doll, but the one I got on eBay is perfect, down to her polyester polka dot dress and red plastic shoes. Rockin.

Here is the full view. She's standing on my new cake plate (why? I don't know. She looked good there. And I am quite fond of my new cake plate. I was going to give you the link, but Crate and Barrel doesn't seem to be selling it anymore. But that's where I got it.)

I also bought a batch of about 16 patterns, all groovy 70s style clothes. Mandy is choosing her fabrics now. We've got a wardrobe to make. I could try to analyze why at the age of 29 I am so excited about a new doll, but I won't try. I'll just enjoy her. She's pretty!


  1. Anonymous7:10 PM

    oh cool!! You can never REALLY get over playing with dolls. have fun!

  2. I love Mandy! Had Becky too and my brother had Mikey- in fact I learned to sew helping my Nana sew clothing for them.. I like to think of them as our generations version of the American Girl dolls.. Enjoy her!

  3. Missed you, Julie! Can't wait to see what cool clothes you make for your new friend.

  4. i was just thinking about you today! seriously! and then, boom! you popped up on bloglines...yeah!

    can't wait to see what you make mandy - i am sure she will have a killer wardrobe. :)

  5. Anonymous8:51 AM

    She is sweet! I love dolls too. In fact, my husband buys me one every year for Christmas and I'm (ahem) a little older than you. Can't wait to see Mandy's new rockin wardrobe!

  6. Anonymous11:09 AM

    you're back!? yay!

  7. I'd forgotten about Mandy, but I had one, too. I specifically remember sewing a peasant blouse and skirt for her from one of those Mandy-specific patterns. Sadly, I also remember giving her a short haircut. I have no idea where she went, but I definitely regretted the haircut and fell out of love with her after that.

  8. I like you eBay find. Enjoyed your blog as well.

  9. hi, i found you through em & the gang & your crafters for obama plea-- love it and your blog!

  10. Ooh! Ooh! I have two Jenny dolls and have recently been making outfits for them. If you ever want to do a swap for handmade outfits, I'd love to!

  11. Ahhh, thanks for making me feel so normal.

  12. I'm so glad to see your update! I'm not familiar with Mandy, but I do hope you show us what you make for her.

  13. Sorry to comment again on an older post but I started a flickr group for My Friend dolls and thought you might like to add some of your adorable pictures!

  14. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Now you just need to get her friend Jennny! My daughter is playing with both of my dolls and dressing them in their clothes. I too hope to make an outfit or two for winter. enjoy!

  15. Hi! I stumbled on your blog and had to comment -- I just found a Mandy doll in the throwaway pile at my daughter's preschool. She's almost exactly like the Mandy doll I had as a kid, and the crazy thing is she looks JUST LIKE MY DAUGHTER. We're having a blast making her clothes.

  16. Mandy was my daughter's favorite doll when she was about 6 years old. (She's 40 now.) Even though she chose to sell many of her toys at garage sales, I could never let Mandy go.

    Now, my daughter's daughter is 4 years old, and she loves to play with Mandy when she comes to my house. For Christmas, I bought another Mandy and some patterns, and I'm busy making a Christmas wardrobe.

    Nope. We never really get over dolls, and Mandy is especially darling!
