13 August 2007

craft room

Now we're cooking with this craft room. It's good. I'm feeling more creative already. And it will be so nice to have a dedicated space for crafting and computer-ing. A space with a door to close when the craft mess gets too big. Lovely.

My new thread holder makes me giddy. That was a happy 15 minutes spent organizing my thread by color, let me tell you. The pegboard makes me happy too, having all my whatsits and whatnots all handy and ready.

Here's the long view. That is a homasote pinboard covered with a gray linen. I followed the instructions in this tutorial exactly, and had excellent results. I only used half the sheet of homasote, so I think we are going to have a second board on the other side of the room, over Twin's desk.

The storage situation is not completely ideal. I mean, the fabric is already bulging, and the stash is most certainly not going to get smaller any time soon. But the closet doors are metal (magnets, yahoo!) and my Shim wall+pocket is attempting with its quiet elegance to bring some semblance of grace to this wall.

One more view of the pinboard. Did you see Courtney's? eep, so lovely. And there on the table is the beginnings of a quilt that Twin is making for her bed. Blue and white pinwheels. See, the craft room is even inspiring Twin. It must be good.


  1. Nice job! Your craftroom looks so cozy. I really need to clean mine but I don't have ac in there and it is just way too hot.

  2. Anonymous11:02 PM

    Yay for craft rooms- except you're supposed to call it a studio. ;) (something I have a hard time doing myself.)

    I can't wait to see the creations that emerge from this space!

  3. Anonymous12:01 AM

    It looks great! I can't wait to see more!


  4. What a great space. It certainly looks inspiring to me! I'm about to do a huge fabric rearrange so I can see all I've got and hopefully be more inspired that way too. Looking forward to seeing what creating you get up to!

  5. Anonymous1:14 AM

    Hooray for pretty craft spaces!!!

  6. So lovely! I can see that you will get inspired and motivated working in here.

  7. wow, how great to have a room to yourself! i hope lots of great things come out of there

  8. What a lovely space!

  9. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Oh! so great a space to inspire creative ideas! Love it.

  10. Anonymous11:04 AM

    julie, i love it! so wonderful! there is something about everything having its place - that's why i love my peg board, too!

  11. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Oh, your room is beautiful!!! It looks so peaceful and creative.

    Thanks for the link to the bulletin board tutorial, it's _exactly_ what I need for my craft room.

  12. You girls have done a fantastic job with that room. It's hard to believe it's the same one you pictured recently. Congratulations on getting your space set up and organized. Here's to the creative hours you will spend here!

  13. oh it looks great!!!

  14. I love your craft room, it's so fun to see your nesting projects unfolding!

  15. That's so great. I can tell already that it will be a source of inspiration.

  16. How nice of you to let the twin use your craft room (hee, hee - don't tell her I said that). I'm jealous. Enjoy it!

  17. It looks great! It's so nice to have a room dedicated to creativity.

  18. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Your new place is looking wonderful. Your craft room is huge and your kitchen tiny - priorities priorities right? Glad you having fun in your new place.

  19. Oh wow, what a great job you did on your craft room! I love it!

  20. Anonymous12:39 PM

    It takes someone creative to create a creative corner! Now let those creative juices flow!! I love that pinboard and had wanted to make one myself but could not find homasote here ... yucks! I'll keep searching.

  21. Anonymous2:03 PM

    It looks great! I'm sooo jealous, I only have a folding table (to cut) and a corner of the living room. Oh, how I wish...

    Could I get a close-up of the thread holder, I sooo need one!


  22. congratulations on your craft room... it looks amazing!! i got a bit choked up this morning packing the last of my craft supplies and thinking about leaving my craft room... it's the first time i've had one and it has been so, so good to me. back to fabric in the corner of my dorm room, alas.

  23. Mmm, thread holder. I definitely want one, and envy your rainbow-ific array!

    I've been keeping track of your blog for sometime, and always enjoy your work - thanks!

  24. i'm just jealous that you have a place to keep your ironing board up all the time. i have to say that's one of the things that keeps me from sewing sometimes.

    the space looks marvelous....
    is that a flute tucked over in the corner??? do tell.

  25. looks wonderful! makes me want to go craft. if only i didn't have to go weed the front yard right now....darn.

  26. Anonymous5:53 PM

    what a great space! love the size of that board!

  27. *love* your room! I definitely need a pinboard, maybe two :)

  28. good work gave me an idea to workout with my room.

  29. For my part every person may read this.
