14 July 2007

moving is FUN! (no not really)

Last weekend I drove to NY for one last time to pack up the last of my things and then move it all back (including Twin-yippeeee!). Above was our last glimpse of Manhattan as we drove across the Verrazano Narrows. Yes, Manhattan is there if you look really closely. It was so hot and humid that day—the haze was pretty intense.

Our movers (Brooklyn-based) were named Francisco and Zeus. I think they privately thought we were nuts for moving away from the city. When we got to NC, Francisco asked, "so can you get any takeout delivered way out here?" and then Zeus asked, "so, what? You gotta drive everywhere you want to go?" Erm, yes, unfortunately that is how the rest of America gets around. Although happily there is a public bus system here in Chapel Hill that is pretty good. I am going to try to maintain my NYC mass transportation habit as much as possible here.
Speaking of transportation, let me introduce you to Brunehilda. Brunehilda has been our stalwart mode of transport since moving to NC. We're borrowing her from my dad until we get around to buying a car. She's a VW Vanagon camper--we named her Brunehilda because she is German, brown, and definitely female. One of our cousins thought Bessie was a name to better suit her, but I don't think that's quite as elegant. She does, however, respond to both names. Like any good VW bus, she has a few quirks. Not as many as the bus in Little Miss Sunshine, but almost as many.

Not to hurt Brunehilda's feelings, but we are headed out car shopping this morning. I think we're going to look at the Honda Fit. We want a hatchback. Anybody have any strong hatchback feelings/advice?

The apartment is coming together slowly but surely. Did I mention we have a third bedroom? Woot! Jennie has agreed to call it the craft room, though half will technically be her home office. Here's the craft room now:
So, yeah, that needs a little work.

Our parents are coming for the weekend (Mom is going to help us with curtains and unpacking and Dad is going to hang pictures and protect us from car salesmen. Aren't parents great?)

Yay for parents, new apartments, and big strong movers who can lift bookcases with just one arm. Yay for feeling a little more settled and hoping I'll soon have more time to devote to crafting and my poor neglected blog.

Happy weekend!


  1. Anonymous1:33 PM

    I wonder if that is my parent's Westfalia? They bought it new in the 80's and my stepdad sold it 8 years ago. By the way, I think that is called a HOUSE, not an apartment, you city girl you...

  2. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Some days my craft room looks just like yours now.

  3. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Good luck with the unpacking- may it all go quickly and smoothly.

    And yes, you gotta love helpful parents!

  4. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Hooray for reunited twins. And SO cool about the craft room/office for you + Twin!!!

  5. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Is Chapel Hill bikeable? Because I see some bikes in that there craft room...

  6. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Honda you say? i wield such influence... lol! i loved having a hatchback-- i say yes! tho dont show the new adoptee off to Brunhilda much... she looks like her poor old soul couldnt take it...

    was great seeing you!

  7. I've heard that you can tell if a vehicle is a female by whether or not it has a mirror on the passenger side sun shade. If it does - female. If not, male.

    Good luck on the car shopping. Having never owned a hatchbback, I have no opinions on them.

  8. Anonymous6:41 PM

    thanks for sharing! We're moving this week and my dining room looks like your craft room. Oh, and I dropped a big framed photo on my foot and have a limp. Moving is so great!h

  9. hope the unpacking goes well. it certainly looks like you have your work cut out for you. and hurray for helpful parents!

  10. I have the 2004 Honda Civic SI it is a hatchback and I absolutely LOVE IT! Right now the new SI's arent hatchbacks but if you are looking used you should be able to find a hatchback. Here is a link to some pictures so you can see:


    It is considered a sports car because of the engine as far as insurance goes but I dont pay all that much due to a good history. It is a great car to drive it fun and fast when you want it to be and you can fit A LOT of stuff in it when you fold down the seats. Ok I will stop going on about my car. Happy car shopping!

  11. Long time Lurker - First time poster.

    I have a Honda Fit Sport and LOVE IT! I have to admit that it is the best car that I have ever had. The way that the seats fold down in so many ways just allows you all the time. I love that the dog can be in the trunk and I can still have people in the backseat, and they actually have room to sit.

    I even drove my FIT from my home in Clearwater, fl to Michigan for my wedding, with my sister, dog, all the wedding gear, luggage for a month, dogs stuff for a month and we even stopped along the way to shop and had room.

    It is a great car to pack a party in. The only downside to the car is that the carpet and seat material is not to the par that I like, but heh it’s not a Lexus. And the air is not the best - especially here in Florida. You have to get the hang of switching it from fresh to re-circulate to get it actually cold. I can’t say anything for the heat, since I have never used it. ALSO this car would be 100% better with a middle armrest - there are aftermarket armrests but Honda should have thought of it - the European models have an armrest.

    Please email me if you have any other questions.

    I LOVE my FIT!

  12. Glad to hear you're getting settled in...how do you like Chapel Hill so far? I moved from FL to Charlotte last Fall sort of picking Charlotte at random, and now I find I think I prefer Chapel Hill. It's more...relaxed, I don't know.

    Good luck with unpacking!!

  13. Anonymous9:35 PM

    That is one , er, handsome vehicle!


  14. Hi, I'm delurking too to rave about hatchbacks. I have a 98 Honda Civic hatchback and love it! You can fit two of your craft rooms in there, it gets great gas mileage and never breaks down! Mine has around 110,000 miles on it and I'm sure I can put another 200,000 on. There pretty hard to find used because they're such great cars. Yeah for Hondas!

  15. Anonymous12:37 PM

    ooh! that is a nice room for you two to craft and office in. have fun getting settled and good luck with the new car search.

  16. Anonymous6:09 PM

    :) you came back!

    and i believe you have more than my $0.02 on hatch-backs. (get the audi a3, you deserve it)

    good day.

  17. I remember my last view of Manhattan as we crossed the GW bridge when we left 10 years ago. We had lived on the Upper upper west side while Hubby was in grad school at Columbia. We stayed there for almost 6 months after he graduated and then decided if we ever wanted to afford a real life we needed to get out of there! We moved to Seattle - not exactly cheaper! We only stayed there for two years and then headed to Indiana. Much cheaper!

    Glad that you and twin are back together! Enjoy your new spacious apartment. Looking forward to future crafty posts!

  18. Brunehilda is totally the right name for her!

    I'm so in love with my Subaru Impreza WRX that it's not even funny. Seriously. Her name is Mo and she saved me from death by elk.

  19. Oh, and now you need to change your blog profile! No more Brooklyn!

  20. i have a serious crush on the VW.

    We had an orange VW bus when I was little. And I have every intention of someday packing my kids into one of them as well....

  21. J and I really love our Subaru Impreza hatchback, too. We should have driven you to get mexican food in that. :) Glad you're back!

  22. oh best of luck in your new place! i know how challenging it is, but its rewarding too!

  23. No, not really is right. I'm so glad that you are getting settled and that you've got a way to get around. What a fun adventure you and your sister are embarking on. And a craft room?!? Oh, joy!

  24. yay for you! look at all that space you have!! :)

  25. Oh Lordy, I am happy for you girls! Chapel Hill just suits you better. I think Brunhilda is a grande dame, but Sparky looks like fun! Glad to see all the happy news- I am thinking about you.

  26. hi there julie! catching up over here... i have missed so much!
    yay for the craft room! isn't a 3rd bedroom the best? :) and cracking up about the VW van. my best friend in high school drove a red VW van named jane. it had bright curtains she made herself and we went camping with the attached tent... good times.
