05 May 2007

retail therapy

Twin and I braved Macy's last night in search of shoes. We need to remember that the Macy's shoe department is not for the faint-hearted on a Friday night. I have never seen so many women and so many shoes together in one place before in my life. Shoes and boxes were scattered everywhere. The poor sales clerks traveled around the department surrounded by a perpetual swarm of women, all of them clamoring to thrust shoes into the clerks' hands and shout their size at them. I didn't find any shoes that were worth the trouble of jumping into the fray until I saw these red ones in the juniors department. They are Dr. Scholl's. I didn't even know Dr. Scholl's makes shoes, much less incredibly cute shoes. I also tried on these Keds, though they didn't have my size. I think I'm going to have to order them online, because they have owls on them. Owls! Hoot.
And look what came in the mail! My pin+pocket from Sally. Eeee! Friends, these are as carefully constructed, beautifully designed, and thoughtfully presented and packaged as you might expect from the genius that is Shim. And there was also a sneak peek of the stationery goodness that is to come, and I have to tell you it is gorgeous. I'll be stalking her shop relentlessly from now on.

It is a beautiful saturday here—we're headed to the park. And I actually have been at my sewing machine today, which puts me in a most happy frame of mind. A capital mood, as my friend Pip says. Must be something about spring. Or maybe it's the new shoes. :)


  1. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Great shoe find! I love pretending that I'm not too old to shop in the juniors department (at least for shoes anyway). The owl shoes are neat as well, thanks for the link.

  2. those shoes!! love them! i have a pair of dr. scholls that i've had for about 4 years now--some of my favs. Thanks for the links.

  3. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Ooh...those DS shoes are suh-weet! And the EG shoes are cute.

    Glad your pin+pocket has found a nice little spot in your apt. =)

  4. Anonymous7:14 PM

    crap! those shoes!! is it okay to bi-coastally copy you? good chance they are going to make their way onto my feets.

  5. Anonymous9:27 PM

    those are some cute shoes! i have the keds - with frogs - super comfy. and you are so right about ms. shim and her products. mine came yesterday and wow! she knows what she's doing.

  6. Huge grin on my face due to sweet shoes and awesome pinboard!

  7. so totslly loving those shoes!!!! i am not a red person but i think i could do those shoes. and the ble ballet flats.... i think i am in love. lol my fav shoes

  8. I love the keds! Thanks so much for the link.

  9. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Is your sister really going to let you wear those shoes? How soon before she borrows them? And (followup question) will she ever let you have them back?

    Inquiring marmees want to know....

  10. Cutest.Shoes.EVER!

    I'm on the hunt...

  11. very cute shoes! and the pin + board is beautiful... sally is amazing. i am in love with all of her designs and am waiting so so eagerly for the stationery.

  12. Cute, cute shoes. And that's a lovely pin board.

  13. i am a firm believer that every woman should own at least one pair of red shoes. it is good for the soul. cant wait to see what you have been cooking up...

  14. Anonymous11:09 AM

    ah! I bought those keds on Friday. they are giving me blisters, but I refuse to take them off!

  15. Anonymous2:55 PM

    I love those shoes, so cute.

  16. Ack, I didn't know there were more Eleanor Keds in the world. Now I want another pair (the froggy green ones). I love your red shoes, too!

  17. Love, love, love your red shoes! And the Keds styles too!! And Marmee's questions/comment cracked me up!

  18. click your heels together J! You got a great pair there. :)

  19. Anonymous10:24 AM

    those are great red shoes. what a fun find.
