22 April 2007

brooklyn spring

It was that weekend in New York. You know, the one we've been waiting for. When suddenly the trees are blooming and the sun is hot and the streets are full of playing children.

I put away all my winter clothes. I have some of those cool plastic bag things that you can suck all the air out of with the vacuum. Fun. I love reducing my pile of down coats and scarfs and mittens to a flat stanley pallet that fits under my bed.

I baked brownies which made my house smell like my mom's. I took an afternoon nap with all the windows open. I took a long walk with my camera. And then I ate a brownie sundae for dinner. In other words, a good good day.


  1. Anonymous10:34 PM

    a flat stanley pallet - perfect image! sounds like a lovely sunday to me - your photos are beautiful.

  2. Anonymous10:38 PM

    One of these days I'm going to NY. And I'm going to Uncle Louie G's...even though I have no idea what kind of food they serve...it sounds good and a long line is always a good sign. =)

    Just polished off a brownie after dinner. Yum!

    Have a great week Julie!

  3. a photo walk and brownies sounds just about perfect. lovely lovely spring photos. glad you had a good day! xo

  4. Anonymous11:31 PM

    haha! joe and i used to go to uncle louie g's all the time when we were in park slope! best ice cream ever! that is truly the mark of the beginning of warm weather in brooklyn for me. love the pictures--they are gorgeous.

  5. Sounds like a wonderful day. Love the pictures!

  6. I love that you live in New York. I've been a couple of times and of course absolutely loved it. I'm living my NY life vicariously through you. Keep these beautiful photos coming!

  7. I love the cherry blossoms! We've had ours here in Vancouver for weeks and now they are all falling away. Nice to see that yours are still in bloom.

  8. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Oh, yes, yes! I live in Park Slope, and you're right, Brooklyn finally woke up to warmth and life this weekend! It was such a joy. Your top photo could so easily be of the tree in front of my building. Speaking of, you know the Cherry Blossom Festival at the Brooklyn Botanical Garden is next weekend, right?

  9. Anonymous9:01 AM

    What a beautiful day.

    Have a great week- sounds like it's off to a nice start!

  10. yay julie!! so glad spring is heading your way! anthropologie jacket coming out soon i suspect? sounds like pretty much a perfect day (i like the nap part best). do you like those space bags? i have been thinking of getting some.

  11. a really good day indeed!
    lovely photos.

  12. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Ah, spring... You knew it had to happen eventually. Yay for you and your sunny, flowery, nappy day.

  13. sounds like a wonderful day. i love your photos of new york.

  14. Anonymous8:28 PM

    i missed you guys today... i had to use Quark ALL DAY... I don't know if I can hack it! See you Friday hopefully wearing something that looks familiar to you...

  15. You describe perfection here! Lovely shots - from the landmarks in some of them, I think I was right around the corner from you at times. I love Flat Stanley references, by the way.

  16. Anonymous12:16 AM

    What a fabulous day. Brownie Sundaes for dinner should be the rule, not the exception! :)

  17. Anonymous1:09 PM

    I can't get enough spring photos at the moment...glad you're back.

  18. that sounds just lovely.

  19. Julie,
    It looks like a lovely day! Happy Spring!

  20. Mmm... brownies! What are all of those people lined up for?
    So glad you are enjoying your Spring.

  21. Anonymous8:01 PM

    I use to live right near uncle louie g's. My summer nights weren't complete without a cherry ice! You captured it perfectly.

  22. lovely spring pictures! wish I was there x

  23. i heart those vacuum things. i tried doing it myself with a garbage bag, but it's just not as cool.
    your spring photos are beautiful... oh that moment! it is magical. everyone out in their new spring clothes, happy, showing skin for the first time in ages... it's that feeling that i long for being in the south, but then again we don't suffer for months on end with the cold :) but... soon enough!

  24. Anonymous12:34 AM

    Wasn't brooklyn just fantastic last weekend? I am excited for tomorrow even though this evening was kind of humid.

    mmm brownies

  25. Love this post. Most excellent.
