12 March 2007

linen bags

When Twin models for me she tells me very specifically not to get her face in the frame. Mwahahaha. I don't pay the least bit of attention to that. She looks very pensive, doesn't she? The bag is a gift for my etsy customer numero uno, aka the woman who birthed me. She ordered some cards about two weeks ago, but I didn't mail them, intending to make a little something extra for her to stick in the package. And the weeks tick by and she wonders if maybe I forgot to mail her order. eeeep. But it's in the mail now! Promise! And see what you get for your patience. A somewhat oddly tall tote bag. Lined in a bright lime green and appliqued with some leafy spring goodness. The handles are also somewhat oddly long. Good thing you are so tall, mama.

And more linen bags. Little lunch sacks. For sale in the etsy shop. I think perhaps I am channeling my inner Japanese Craft Book. Too cute! Toooooo cuuuuuuute!

I am doing my laundry tonight. It had gotten to the point where I was wearing dress slacks every day and the socks with the holes. The socks that thought they had retired, gone to laze the rest of their days at the very bottom of the drawer. But they've been pressed into service this week, along with the underoos that really should only be rags. The laundromat is just around the corner, but I have this thing about only making one trip. So I use this huge backpack that is (quite literally) as tall as me. Then I carry an equally enormous fabric carryall over one shoulder. In this way, I am able to shuffle slowly and awkwardly to the laundromat with four loads of laundry in tow. I could get a granny cart if I weren't so stubborn. Because then I would be a real New Yorker, and I don't think I'm ready for that.

And now that I have told you in exhaustive detail all about my laundry (which you find immensely interesting, I'm sure), I have to go back to the laundromat, fill up my bags, and shuffle back to the house. But at least I'll have fresh sheets to sleep on, and my little toes will be properly clad tomorrow.


  1. So cute! Hopefully you won't sell out before I get my paycheck deposited!

    Where did you get the awesome linen fabric?

  2. wonderful bags! i am a sucker for linen!! and..yes..inner Japanese craft book channeling in totally going on in those pics! love em!

  3. Anonymous2:22 AM

    These are so gorgeous.

  4. Anonymous3:54 AM

    argh! doing laundry in new york is the worst. i feel your pain. geez, those bags are awesome though. watch out, japanese crafters!

  5. Anonymous9:17 AM

    totally channeling your inner japanese craft book! those are awesome!!! :)

  6. hi twin! lucky mama, that bag is spectacular! i feel your laundry pain. for the longest time we didnt have a washer/dryer and i would lug everything over to a friends house around the corner... yuck! although this cart thing does sound interesting...

  7. Anonymous9:45 AM

    My bag is beautiful, sweet one! And I can't wait to get it.
    The best part of it is that while it looks like a bright spring shoot (and who doesn't need spring at this point, I want to know) -- it also evokes the tail of a kite. And I feel a lot like a kite most of the time, with some patient person holding the string.
    And those lunch bags .... they are wonderful. Are they gocco printed?

  8. Anonymous10:44 AM

    those lunch sacks are great! looks like you shop is coming along quite nicely! are the spoon and fork on the lunch sack appliqué a pre-printed fabric or did you gocco them?

  9. Your bags look fantastic! I love linen.

    You just described my trips to the laundry a couple years ago. Except, add a very steep hill between home and laundromat.

  10. thanks all!

    No I did not gocco the patches--they are pieces of a cotton print. An Alexander Henry I think? Very kitschy kitchen print. very kitschy kitchen. hee hee.

  11. Anonymous3:41 PM

    the lunch bags are so cute...too bad i missed out! happy spring julie!

  12. lunch bags! so cute and very environmental

  13. Anonymous8:47 PM

    love love love the bag for your mom. the lunch bags are cute as well. the top pic totally could have come out of a Zakka book. twin should be happy about that.

  14. Anonymous6:47 AM

    i'm so happy to know someone who also has an inner japanese craft book.

  15. I love all your bags! The tote is so spring-y...and the lunch motifs are adorable.

  16. these are all so gorgeous, julieree! the bag for your mom is my favorite...so wonderful!

  17. Love all the bags! You are a sweet daughter.

  18. Anonymous4:41 PM

    i love your lunch totes! they are ever so cute. :)

  19. Anonymous8:58 PM

    LOVE the bag for your mother. So sweet. And I'm sad I missed out on those cute lunch bags!

  20. Anonymous11:11 PM

    Hi from a fellow Brooklynite! Much like your inner Japanese craft book, you must embrace your inner granny cart! I finally broke down and got one this year and I love it! I'm lazy so I drop off my laundry, continue on to the grocery store and load the cart up - two birds, one stone! I splurged and got this comfort grip beaut: http://www.containerstore.com/browse/Product.jhtml?PRODID=68254&CATID=199

    I call it my S.U.V.

  21. julie, these are all so so good! your mama is going to love that bag. so full of spring goodness. applique on linen... such a nice texture... and the lunch bags!! i am really worked up that i missed out. they are SO cute. please tell me that you are making more and one has my name on it ;)

  22. i love the green applique on the bag--and I say, the longer the handles the better--tall girls appreciate that!

  23. Anonymous5:45 PM

    All bags are fantastic. Completely wonderful. You have impeccable taste I think -- just one of those people that make things how I like and I didn't even know I liked them that way. You're an sneaky evil twin photographer though ;-)

  24. LOVE THAT FIRST BAG!!! The long handles are perfect - I always wish that totes had a little extra arm room. Lucky mom!
