22 February 2007

would you like a card or two?

First off, thank you for your enthusiasm about the sewing machine cozy! You are all just so incredibly nice! And yes, I do use the sewing machine—everything I've ever sewn has been done on that featherweight.

And secondly, it's official. I am an etsy seller.

I've been thinking about trying to sell some of my goods for a while, but I kept putting it off because I am such a hopeless perfectionist. Remember that girl, the one who always showed up early for the first day of school, and had four No. 2 pencils lined up perfectly on her desk, with brand-new cap erasers on each one, and her three-ring binders all carefully labeled for each subject, her hair neatly brushed out of her face, her feet crossed under her chair, her back straight, eyes wide? Yeah. Yeah, that was me. I do like to have my ducks in a row.

My seller id is juliemarie. Because there is already a julieree on etsy. She sells jewelry. And while I was slightly miffed that somebody else would have the audacity to have the same nickname as ME, I guess it does make more sense to have a julieree that makes jewelry than a julieree that makes all kinds of random stuff. (Which makes me think about people whose names are also adjectives--Is a Grace always graceful and must a Curt always be curt?) I considered trying to come up with a name for my shop that was really clever and interesting, but then decided to just go with my name. Which shows either great confidence or a lack of originality. One or the other.

This first shop update is card sets. I am goccoing like a madwoman. There are sets of the starry cards, and this new leafy design. Handprinted on beautifully white, heavy cover stock. Made with love.

If they are all sold out, you can bet that my mother has bought them all. My family is so supportive I expect they'd buy my poo if I took a fancy to selling it on etsy. Twin has already snatched up two sets of cards for gift-giving.

I am excited about this new little endeavor. Sometimes life feels a bit like aimless wandering through an endless forest of possibilities. But occasionally you spy a path, leading off to some real or imagined destination, and you say, "There. I want to go THERE!" So you take the first step.

To the people who have encouraged me to sell my goods and who have supported me through this blog, there are not words enough to express my thanks.


  1. I would not buy your poo, pookie, no matter how much I love you. You're so gross. I do, however, like to buy your stationery because it's sooo pretty. And not stinky. :p

  2. Anonymous12:34 AM

    Yay! Way to go... I'm excited for you!

  3. Anonymous12:50 AM

    Ha ha ha...had to laugh at Jennie's comment! ;)

    Congratulations on your online shop...so excited for you. And for me, since I just ordered a few sets! [I tried hard not to be greedy.] Everything looks fantastic!!!

  4. you cards are beautiful, good luck with the new shop.

  5. The cards are gorgeous, so fresh and just in time for spring!
    Good luck with the shop, I set one up as well, thinking i might sell a few things to raise money to buy more fabrics and trimmings and the likes (crafting is an expensive habit, especially if you want to start lots of projects at the same time and are a bit of a shopaholic...), but so far i'm still supplying my friends and family with home made presents for free... maybe one day!

  6. Anonymous7:21 AM

    how exciting julie! and congrats! now i am off to shop...

  7. Anonymous9:07 AM

    lovely cards! kudos on the shop julie.

  8. we love julie, yes we do! we love julie, how 'bout you???

    uh. i was never a cheerleader for real so do with that what you will. yay julie, i love your cards! this is so you!

  9. congratulations on your shop julie!! the cards are beautiful... the packaging is lovely... all wonderful. so happy for you.
    (and also giggling about your poo. :) )

  10. I'm grinning from ear to ear - I'm so excited that you opened up an etsy shop! And I've already snatched up some of your gorgeous cards there. Yea! By the way, about the rules of naming... if teaching in public school in New York City has taught me anything, it is DO NOT NAME YOUR SON ANGEL. Just thought I'd pass that on...

  11. Anonymous12:28 PM

    congrats! your shop is great.

  12. congrats! i've favorited you on etsy and the next time the stationary bug comes at me, i'll be at your shop, trying to decide which too-cute design to buy!

  13. Anonymous5:07 PM

    congrats to you! I just found your blog via whipup and I love your craftiness and completely relate to that little girl in the front row with all of her new shiny pencils. I'll be stopping by more often!

  14. I found your site through sulu-design. What a great blog! Your pictures, cards, writing and gorgeous sewing machine are fantastic.

    Congrats on putting your wares out there on etsy...it takes some guts!

  15. i just went to your shop to make a little purchase...but i see the magnolia cards are gone. So, if there will be more soon, I'll wait for them otherwise, I'm going to snatch up the leafy design...
    yay for your new shop!!

  16. Anonymous10:27 PM

    I came to you via a link about your lovely Singer cozy and totally identified with your sentiments about opening an etsy shop and the forest of possibilities. I'm working toward opening a shop in March (and so I really need to get off the computer and sew something!) and totally understand your excitement. Your cards are lovely, as is your blog. *adds to reading list!*


    abby (whitepaintandribbons on etsy, soon)

  17. Delurking to say: Congratulations on the shop! It's an exciting new adventure to be sure...and now I have another etsy reason to save my pennies. I also love your new banner—that is one sweet Singer!

  18. Anonymous9:07 AM

    hi julie - i just learned about your blog from shim + sons and love it. that sewing machine is so precious and the cover you made for it has just been added to my to do list, although my featherweight is a 2005 model.

    i love your "about you" page and did read it all. i look forwarding to adding you to my regular reads and glad to find someone else here in good ole nyc.

    cheers ...cindy

  19. congratulations on opening your etsy shop!

  20. Anonymous10:01 PM

    Congratulations on your new Etsy enterprise! I stumbled upon your shop and made it a favorite, but hadn't connected it with your blog which I've been reading for a few weeks. Go Brooklyn artisans!

  21. Lovely stationery, and congrats on opening on Etsy

  22. Anonymous10:45 PM

    i too am a perfectionist with marie as my middle name. i'm so excited that you opened an etsy shop that i'm going to go look at it right now. hope there's still something left!

  23. Best of luck with your Etsy shop!I love al of your designs, and your sewing machine cosy!
    Sara of

  24. yay! I have admired your work for so long. This is just great!

  25. I love your cards! And everything you do. Good luck with the new shop!
