28 February 2007

cards, movie, bag, glimmer

Back! By popular demand! Well, my mother mentioned she liked them, anyway. Magnolia cards in the shop. They're a warm salmon-y pink on light gray this time. Twin requested pink, and she is not an easy one to refuse. If you ordered last week, your packages should be arriving presently. I had a minor coronary as I tossed the last of the packages down the chute because I was suddenly struck by the thought that the international ones needed to have some kind of customs form. And I started imagining all those packages getting returned to sender because of my appalling lack of know-how about the intricacies of customs regulations. But then I read online that packages under 1 pound do not require customs forms. Could someone verify this and put my little anxieties to rest? Much appreciated.

Update: I tweaked the cards. I like to tweak. :) And I can now confirm that international packages under 1 pound that do not contain "dutiable items" do not require a customs form. yipppeeee!

We saw Music and Lyrics tonight. The Times review called it "the type of modern Hollywood production that aspires to nothing more than the competent dispensing of mild amusement and easy emotion." Which I thought quite funny, and also spot-on. I was certainly mildly amused.

And lookie at my new present to myself. This bag from Brooklyn Industries. It looks like a regular handbag, but in reality it's like Mary Poppins's bag, and is magical in its huge capacity. As I headed to the checkout, Twin commented that she thought the proceeds of my etsy shop were supposed to be earmarked for craft supplies, and craft supplies only. I explained that there are always more craft supplies to buy, but magical bags, well, you have to take those where you can get 'em.

And for the second evening in a row, there was still a faint glimmer of daylight as I left the office. Hell yeah, spring.


  1. The bag is lovely. Mary Poppins is my fashion icon. Those men's shoes, big umbrellas and narrow-waisted jackets. And hats and chignon. Your card is beautiful too. Here in Helsinki there's definately NO sign of spring.

  2. Anonymous8:53 AM

    We had our first big thunderstorm last night. It was a doozy.

    Spring IS coming!

  3. do you think i could convince david to see music & lyrics for our date night? he is a big hugh grant fan so there is that.

    i am saving my allowance to buy some cards for spring. love your new banner and bag!

  4. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Love the new bag. The bigger the better.

    Love my new Julie Marie Made cards...have a few hanging up right now.

    And I'm pretty sure you are right about the international shipping. =)

  5. Anonymous12:16 PM

    i got my cards - love them! these magnolias are pretty great too.

  6. yay for springtime light! i am noticing it in the morning... i always had to have the light on to dress and suddenly, one day last week, i didn't. hurrah!
    the mary poppins bag is lovely, as are the magnolia cards... the other plants went sooo fast! if you do another edition i will have to be speedier :)

  7. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Love your bag! You need a magical bag to carry all your newly bought craft supplies home in!

    Love your work too!

  8. The lighter evenings have me whirling - love them! And I'm glad that you mentioned the customs form issue - I always fill one out for small envelopes that I send across the border or overseas, which means I have to stand on line at the post office. But if the "under one pound" thing is true, I'm a free woman!

  9. I giggled at this--I just started selling some things on etsy too, and so far all my $ has gone right back into etsy (including some of your lovely cards, which arrived today, thank you very much!). I wonder if we're all just one big self-sustaining economy?

  10. Anonymous3:44 PM

    I wholeheartedly agree with the magic bag comment, however, you've completely forgotten magic shoes! Shoes, along with craft supplies and magic bags, are an acceptable Etsy-money purchase. The cards are great!

  11. I love the cards - magnolia, and the ones I bought! And your blog has inspired me to start a blog of my own - not nearly as interesting or varied as yours, but I'm just starting out - maybe one day it will be as fun to read as yours. Promise not to laugh, and promise to remember that I'm a beginner - here's the address: http://kelliskaleidoscope.blogspot.com.

  12. Your cards are so beautiful. When I get paid, I'm ordering. Where did you find your Gocco?

    I hear you about the bag...I have one myself that was totally a splurge, but worthy. As my friend Lindsey says "somethings are worth eating ramen for." :)
