06 October 2006

getting chummy: chinatown

It was cool and gray in Chinatown this morning. I stepped off the train by 7:30 (no easy task for me, I assure you, as I am not an early riser) and had over an hour to just wander the streets, camera in hand. Grocers unloading their trucks, steam pouring out of a noodle factory, mountains of bean sprouts in neat bags on the sidewalk.

I was surprised how wonderful it felt to go slowly and really look at everything around me. This city sets a brisk pace, and it's easy to speed-walk through your day with blinders on, until everything in the background fades to gray and a low roar. I loved this opportunity to go slow and notice little things. It was good. I will do it again.

But not tomorrow. No, I'm sleeping in tomorrow. After that, a bit of crafting is in order because Kelli sprinkled me with some of her creative fairy dust. If anybody can spare a bit of energy I think it's that girl. I would kill for half her get-up-and-go.

Happy weekend!
Oh and if you want to see more Chinatown pix, there's more here.



  1. Anonymous10:35 PM

    I'll take you and Jennie out for dumplings sometime!

  2. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Chinatown in NYC is one of my most favorite places to visit...the smells, the sights, the people...

  3. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Hey, I'm so glad you had a great day in your city! How cool to take a day and observe.

  4. love the photos! where are you going to take us next?

  5. Ha! It worked. I've got to sprinkle some of that stuff my direction this week. :)

  6. So glad you enjoyed your trek through Chinatown. I hope it lifted your spirits. The bag you made is awesome. I love how crisp and detail-oriented your sewing is. And your sense of design is so sharp - the color choice, the lines, everything about this project is great! Oh, yeah, you're pigtails are cute, too!
