19 October 2006

2 new skirts

I never actually wear skirts in winter, so I'm not sure what possessed me to make two new fall skirts. In fact, I never wear much of anything in the winter except jeans and sweaters. But the idea of skirts and tall boots and tights and knee socks sounds so good, so maybe I am attempting to get out of my stodgy old habits and try something new.

The corduroy skirt on the right is from the pattern in the Built by Wendy book. Very simple, A-line, with zipper at the back. I contemplated complicating it, but Twin just gave me a look, and pointed out that trying anything "fancy" would make it even less likely that either of us would get any use out of it. She has a point.

The wool skirt on the left is a refurb. Picked up at the thrift shop, it was this strange mid-calf length that looked completely ridiculous on me. So I chopped a chunk out of the middle and reattached the bottom with some little pleats.

And what is that nifty little stitchery along the hem? That's from my brand new zigzagger! Last week I blogged about my Mom's penchant for eBaying obscure Singer attachments for my sewing machine and the imminent arrival of my newest attachment, an automatic zigzagger.

And let me tell you, it's a doozy. Lovely big metal contraption that attaches to the machine. And not only does it zigzag, it does scallops, blind stitch, arrowhead stitch, and domino stitch. You choose which little red cam to put in the zigzagger and ta-da! Fancy wancy stitchery.

I love the box it came in and the little booklet that describes how to use it. According to the instructions, "this wonderful Singer sewing aid will enable you to produce an infinite variety of attractive ornamental designs without any special skill on the part of the operator." Well, thank goodness for that.


  1. Anonymous7:19 AM

    No puckers this time?
    Now... for the next attachment.....

  2. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Oh Julie, those skirts are great! I have been contemplating doing the Built by Wendy one myself. And the zigzagger is fabulous - can't wait to see what else you do with it!

  3. fancy fancy zigzags. can we see some scallops next time? your bbw skirt looks perfect!

  4. Anonymous1:16 PM

    LOVE your winter skirts. And that zigzag attachment...amazing. "without any special skill on the part of the operator"...that describes me very well. Have a great weekend?

  5. Anonymous1:20 PM

    I mean, have a great weekend!!!

  6. Anonymous10:57 PM

    Why doesn't my mother find great Singer attachments for me??? :) I have an old 404 Singer Slant-needle. I cannot figure out what zigzag attachment I need to get. I'm glad to see that yours works so well! It looks great!

  7. I'm impressed! Two skirts in one week? I love the simple lines of the corduroy one, and the pleats that you came up with to save the thrifted skirt are perfect. Now... will you wear them? Bust out those boots and tights!

  8. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Amy h--
    I went on Ebay and they have a couple of zigzaggers for your 404 (they also fit the Singer 301). Here's one that's up tomorrow, and the bid on it is only $8.77 so far: link here.
    From Julieree's marmee, who never stops shopping.

  9. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Thank you, Julieree's marmee! You're a super-shopper. I hope I get the zigzagger!

  10. Holy moly those skirts are awesome!

  11. I love to wear skirts!! Second blue one is looking very nice...
