07 September 2006

coloring inside the lines

Some days you need some lines to color around. No difficult decisions to make or creative juice to squeeze out of your tired little mind. And I always was one of those kids. You know, the ones who don't let half a crayon width stray outside the line. I can't help it; I've always found meticulousness very comforting.

This fabric was begging to be colored in. So for the past few evenings I have been embroidering away, thinking less about where to put the next stitch and more about my boy Andy whooping that little Aussie's ass.

Twin said it would look really great if I embroidered the whole thing. I told her if I had about 100 hours to spare, that would indeed look fantastic. But I kind of like the splash of color in one corner. I can always add more color later, if I am again taken with a coloring book urge.

And here's the happy sofa. This sofa has a desperate wish to be brown. Deep chocolate brown. He whispers to me that he'd look really snazzy in a brown slipcover. But I keep putting him off because I'm scared. Maybe some day soon.

p.s. Thanks everybody for all your kind compliments on my last post! jeepers, i'm feeling the love.


  1. Anonymous11:40 PM

    That is divine!! I love it like that, but I'm afraid I wouldn't want to stop.

  2. Anonymous3:43 AM

    LOVE the embroidery on the pillow!

  3. Anonymous9:52 AM

    It is perfect this way, with just a bit of color. Great fabric. I'm so impressed with your tiny french knots!

  4. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Shh... I'm reading your blog at work. It's research. I like the pillow just the way it is - the one colored flower looks good to me.

    So you can do more than draw pictures. How very impressive. ;)

  5. Gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous! I really like the one embroidered flower, but I'm also curious to see what the whole pillow would look like covered in vivid colors. Could you see a series of these in your future ('cause I'd like to see a series of them in your blog!).
    P.S. I'm so glad you posted - I've been anxiously checking in since Monday!

  6. Anonymous3:26 PM

    love the embroidery work! look at all your perfect french knots... dreamy. :)
