11 August 2006

thunderboomers and gorgeous days

This was the scene walking home from the subway last night. I absolutely love summer thunderstorms. I guess everyone does. And this one was particularly courteous and waited to open up and pour until I was safely in the house.

It washed away all the mucky humid weather and left us with a crisp, clear, and so beautiful you can't stay inside day. Of course, I am inside, working in an air-conditioned office building (blech) but I am expressing a little bit of rebellion for it by blogging at work. (shhhhhhh! don't tell!!) One of my favorite things about living in New York is looking up at the tall buildings. Stark gray buildings, sleek glassy ones, creamy stone ones. I guess all this looking up makes me look like a touristy country bumpkin, but I don't care. I like looking up.


  1. why wouldnt you want to look at something so nice like that sky? summer storms are the best. and dont you feel a bit ridiculous wearing a sweater and sipping hot tea at work when its 100+ outside? i do...

  2. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Blogging at work? Gee, I would never do that. (looking innocent)

    Looks like it was an awesome storm. I love thunderstorms, too, and they virtually never happen in Seattle. We get lots of drizzle and the occasional torrential downpour, but thunder? Never. So sad.

  3. We live and die by summer storms here too. We are currently in our summer monsoon season and nearly every evening there is a storm somewhere in Phoenix. It breaks the heat and keeps us somewhat sane in August.
