28 May 2006

the Plan

A baby quilt it is. Twin and I went to Purl Patchwork yesterday. There was much hemming and hawing and general indecision (on my part) over which fabrics to choose, as usual. And we came home with more fabrics than we actually need for the project, as usual. But I am very excited about the plan. It's completely opposite my original idea, which was soft muted yellows without a lot of contrast. Twin saw the pink fabric, and we were both immediately smitten. I love the salmon color, and it's one of those fabrics where the warp is one color (in this case, hot pink) and the weft is another (orange), so it has the most beautiful texture and depth to it. I'm sure this kind of fabric has a name, but heck if I know what it is.

Twin thought I was nuts to not want much contrast, and she can be very persuasive. I knew I wanted to use squares, so I mocked up some possibilities, but ended up feeling that Twin's original idea of concentric squares looked best. Her "I told you so" quotient was exceedingly high yesterday.

So this is the plan. I hope to get it pieced before we leave for the beach so I can quilt it while I am sans-machine. Since we're leaving in just five days (YIPEEEEEEE!), this is probably a wee bit overly ambitious. But babies wait for no man, so I figure I better get crackin'.

And here's a peek at the other fabrics that jumped into our bags at Purl. I am setting this down for all the world to see in the hopes that I can make myself obey it: I WILL BUY NO MORE CRAFT SUPPLIES UNTIL AFTER RENEGADE CRAFT FAIR. I've been meaning to save my money so I can splurge at the fair, but alas, I'm never very good at saving. The other day I was browsing through eBay and they had a listing for "Thousands of vintage buttons." And the bid was only at $5! Who can resist that, I ask you? And the one little picture showed just a mountain of buttons—no detail shots. Which of course starts you thinking, what treasures could be lurking in that enormous mountain of buttons? So I bid. Luckily (or not, depending on your point of view), I was outbid and Twin succeeded in physically restraining me from placing a new bid. But some days I still wonder about that mountain of buttons, and what wonders were hidden within.


  1. Julie,
    It's time for you to admit that I am always right. hee hee.
    Ok, maybe not. But I know a thing or two about quilts.

  2. love the fabric. can't wait to see your quilt as it progresses. take care, shari
