15 May 2006

a ceck.

I baked a cake this weekend. I got the recipe from Martha (the January issue that was so good because it was a compilation of the best of their first 15 years). My cake is not quite as pretty as hers, of course, but turned out fairly well for an amateur. It's a very light spongy kind of cake with lemon curd between the layers. Martha called for a meringue icing, but I miscalculated the bazillion eggs required for all the different parts, and ran out of eggs. So I used traditional buttercream—nice and tart.

Baking is the most fun. Cooking a big meal stresses me out—orchestrating all the cooking times and the mad rush just before bringing it to the table. But baking can be done a step at a time, all methodical like, and then brought together, assembled, and stowed away in the fridge for leisurely enjoyment.

I've completely lost my touch with the decorating, though. Need to practice a bit more. I'll just have to make cake-baking a bit of a habit.


  1. Even though it wasn't decorated fancily, it was still DE-licious! The lemon curd wasn't too tart and the sugary buttercream balanced the flavors very well. Two thumbs up!

  2. The cake was most yummy.

    "I want the chipper chicken."

  3. Anonymous4:37 PM

    I love the inventive cake stand in the second pic. It's like someone ought to BUY you one or something.... I mean, really....
