16 April 2006

This has been a rather inauspicious beginning to my blog. I will try to post more than once a week in the future. Week-old news smacks of snail mail and newspapers (ahem...just kidding).

A lovely Easter here. Very quiet. Jennie is working on a big proofreading job, so I had to amuse myself. I started a new crochet project (without finishing any of my works-in-progress, of course). It's to be a baby blanket for a friend. I chose a rather complicated design and tiny little baby yarn, so the blanket will probably be ready sometime around the baby's sixth birthday. At which time she will find a 36" square blanket extremely useful, I'm sure.

We were going to go to the Brooklyn Botanical Garden but the Pink Way of Delight isn't in peak bloom yet, so we decided to give it another week. I should note that the BBG does not call it the Pink Way of Delight, but they definitely would if they had any imagination—or had recently watched one of the best movies ever, as I have.

Being an excellent sister and a humble Bunter to her royal highness, I roasted a chicken and made my first batch of Mom rolls ever—all by myself. AKA the Stay-Puff Marshmallow Man Rolls or possibly the Rolls That Ate Texas, they turned out enormous, owing either to my laziness in rolling them out or an inattention to detail (was it supposed to be 3tbs of yeast or 3 pkgs of yeast?) In any event, they were pretty good, if not as good as marmee's.

We listened to Sleepy Man and generally enjoyed a blissful "dolce far niente," which I learned today from a great story in the Times Week in Review is an Italian term meaning "a pleasurable idleness woven into the texture of life." Not quite sure how they got all that meaning into three little words, but not speaking Italian, I'll have to take their word for it. I love the idea, and may have to make it my mantra.


  1. She's very useful to have around, isn't she?

    Rolls, hmmm, yummy.


  2. BTW, I love the very pretty green of your links, but they're a little hard to see within posts. I wouldn't want anyone to miss any of your pictures.

  3. Anonymous2:13 PM

    yeah, I was noticing that too. i'll make them your favorite lime green color...
